Tuesday 23 October 2007

It hurts here, ka

Half the nation might tune into Thai variety show Tee Sip tonight, to watch co-presenter Khem tell all about what happened in the Emporium carpark last Thursday. The other half will watch the football.

That's one wag's prediction, left at the Pantip webboard, given the huge interest shown in the affair, which only heightened yesterday when Khem invited the media to watch her record an interview for tonight's episode of Tee Sip - which she normally co-presents, but where this time she is the invited guest (see pictures).

More than 200 journalists crammed in to the studio to watch her recount the episode in which she says two actresses, May and Aum, joined by two men, interrogated her about the Mini Cooper car she went to collect in the carpark. The car belongs to May, though Khem says she did not know that. May saw it in the carpark, and says she thought someone had stolen it.

The actor at the centre of the affair, Noom Kanchai, also turned up to watch the interview. Earlier, he had joined a press conference given by May and Aum, in which they denied manhandling Khem in the carpark that day. Noom says he bought the car in May's name, but left it at Khem's place a few months ago. He blames himself for the confusion which resulted.

The Manager newspaper is all over the story. Judging by reader comments left at its website, there is little public sympathy for Khem. Some find incredulous her claims that she feared the men and the two actresses were about to abduct her from the department store carpark.

While she recognised May and Aum, she did not know the car belonged to May, or that May had started seeing Noom again.

She took it out for a spin because she was thinking of buying it. Khem says there are 11 cars at her family home, so she had no need to drive the Mini Cooper. She took it out at Noom's suggestion. Earlier, he left the car at her place, and said he wanted to sell it.

She says if the girls were unsure what the car was doing in the carpark, they should have called Noom, or spoken to police, not lay in wait for her in such a sinister fashion.

She agrees that no one assaulted her in the carpark. However, she says she did sustain injury when she tried to get into her car and take off in a hurry. She is tall, and hurt her neck trying to get into the car. She also hurt her leg as she tried to reverse out of the carpark, and hurt her arm when the girls yanked at her car door. As she backed out hurriedly, she claims the girls urged the two men present to park her in.

She whipped out a medical certificate which her doctor had given her. She says she went to see the doctor at her mother's prompting, because the injuries left her unable to sleep on one side.

Aum, she says, spoke rudely to her. 'You have cheek[driving this car]!'.

Khem says Aum and her friend had insisted she give up the car. The girls called Noom, and asked Khem to talk to him.

Moments before, Khem, who says she was in a state of shock, called a friend and asked her for help. She spoke in English, as she was sure the girls would not understand.

She told the girls she could not give them the car immediately, as it was carrying her belongings. However, she would be happy to return it later. Khem did not hang around. Fearing for her safety, she sped away.

Noom had taken to leaving the car at her place after he went through a bad patch with May. Eventually he went back to May, but says he 'forgot' to get the car back from Khem.

Khem says she hasn't cried since she was aged six, but did over this affair, because it had upset her family....at which point, she started crying again.

Noom's reaction as he stood in the audience watching Khem give her interview is attracting more interest today than the interview itself.

News reports say he screwed up his face, as if he didn't believe what she was saying, then gave her the thumbs up, and shouted, 'keng mark!' (เก่งมาก - very good!) Many readers have taken that to mean he was being sarcastic, though Noom denies that.

He claims he was genuinely impressed by her responses, and meant the remark as a compliment.

The interview airs on Channel 3 tonight. One Pantip webboard poster gives his summary of the affair: it is a story of silly girls, and a philandering male (ผู้ชายห่วยๆ กับ ผู้หญิงโง่ๆ).

1 comment:

  1. What a diva!!!! Britanny Spears and Paris Hilton have nothing on this girl.


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