Saturday 15 December 2007

Watch out - Mum's coming (2)

Mum demanded to know why I do not visit her shop as often any more.

'I have noisy Chinese neighbours who wake me at 8am. If I go out at night, I can't get enough sleep,' I said.

Mum was impressed.

'I pay just B2000 a month for my place, and never hear a thing from the neighbours. You pay as much as you do, and look what happens,' she said.

My boyfriend is also around more often at night, so I have no reason to go out. I would rather stay home and talk to him.

Another reason which I did not mention is that at home, I do not have to worry about predatory types like young Pao.

What do I miss? Talking to my Thai friends, as I love their language, and like hearing about their lives.

What do I gain? I get to save money, and sleep better.

Life is also less complicated...

Mum wants farang J, who future brother-in-law, to pay off a business-related loan which she took out from a shop-owner down the way.

If farang J lent her the money she could pay off the Thai man, who increases his interest charges relentlessly.

Farang J knows about this proposal, as Mum has raised it before. Every time he visits, Mum gives me another half-hour blast in the ear about it, and then makes me swear to stay silent - or, at least, not to tell him she has said anything.

now, see part 3

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