Friday 16 November 2007

Sex in the bus

A ride on the evening bus is becoming more entertaining. The other night, boyfriend Maiyuu took a 'hot' bus (non-air conditioned) from his work back home. This is a novelty, as normally he takes a taxi.

A gay guy and a young woman friend were seated in front of him, comparing notes about the other passengers. They were trying to guess by their dress and appearance whether they might be gay.

Maiyuu sent me a text message as this was going on. The couple were so loud and brazen they could be heard clearly by other passengers, he said - some of whom appeared to shrivel in their seats, as if they were keeping their flamboyant (gay?) side hidden from scrutiny.

'So, have they guessed what you are yet?' I replied by text.

'I am seated behind them, so they can't watch me so easily - besides, I am wearing a mean look...they wouldn't dare,' he replied.

Ah...Maiyuu's mean look. He can do this effortlessly. It is a wonderful self-defence mechanism, particularly during the Songkran water festival, when innocent youth in our area might be tempted to follow the custom and tip a bucket of water over him.

They catch one look at Maiyuu's hostile features, and think twice. He can go into the market on the busiest day of Songkran, and return home with not a drop of water on him. It is a talent I admire.

Last night, I had a small gay encounter of my own on the evening bus. I left work early, and caught an 11pm bus back home.

Two handsome boys with pale, Chinese-style features were seated on the other side from me. It was hard to sneak looks at them, and in any case they were straight. However, both looked awkward and self-conscious, as if they get plenty of admiring glances from gay men, so I decided not to bother looking, and read a book instead.

Ten minutes into the journey, a gay boy with Thai-style features joined the bus. He sat in front of me, but before seating himself, took a good look at my face. I knew immediately he was gay. Maiyuu has a half a dozen friends who look just like him...the thick head of hair on top, long bits down the sides, the trendy jeans...

I was impressed to get The Look, as I didn't think anyone would be interested any more. But as soon as he seated himself, he took a look at the boys on the other side, too. The bugger! Can't he have the decency to admire one guy at a time?

Mr Gay couldn't keep still in that seat. He kept turning around to look edgily at me, then again at the boys on the other side, checking out the talent.

Those boys, I noticed, were listening to music, as they both had earplugs in. Mr Gay pulled out his cellphone, and put in an earplug of his own.

At that hour, it is easy to watch the person in front, thanks to the lights on the inside of the bus. They illuminate what the person in front is doing by casting a reflection onto the window by his side.

It is liking watching someone in a mirror. Mr Gay held his cellphone at such an angle that I could watch in the bus window what was going on in the cellphone screen at the same time as he played with it.

He turned on a short videoclip which someone had recorded or perhaps sent him over the phone - of a man and woman having sex.

The clip went on for 30 seconds or more. If I had been an 80 year-old woman, I might have died of shock, being exposed to such graphic content in the bus. The couple, who looked Asian, tried all the usual positions. The only thing I lacked was sound, but then he was getting that through his earpiece. 'Ooh...Aaah...'

I was intrigued, not because I had never seen a couple having sex - I had just never thought I would get to see them over someone's shoulder, doing it in a bus window.

I sat alone in my seat, and I doubt anyone else saw it. Mr Gay pressed fast-forward a few times, as if some of the pair's sexual positions didn't interest him. But being gay, I do not know why any of it interested him, or why he was showing me.

Sometimes he turned the phone on its side. I turned my head to the side, too.

When he reached his stop, the boy closed his phone, ending the video show. He stood up and waited for the bus doors to open. Two girls he knew, who were seated in front, joined him and said hello. He even talks like a kathoey, I thought.

I watched a bit longer, to see if I would get another Look. Yes! Outside the bus, he turned to watch me through the window. He gave me a long, concentrated stare. I smiled, and the bus pulled away.

See, I knew he was gay. But I still don't know why he insisted on showing me the videoclip of a man and woman having straight sex.

I look forward to meeting him again next week, if I get another early bus. Maybe he'll bring along a gay sex video for me to watch instead.


  1. omg! that's really ... out there. as i was reading that... i was thinking about what i woulda done, or how i woulda felt if i was there. since im planning to visit bangkok this coming up summer, im getting really paranoid and such.

    i have many gay friends, but i think to see things like that on the bus... i would be traumatized for a looong while. but at the same time, que sera sera.

    you have such great stories to share. (see how i stalk this page everyday! ehehehe).

    take care. thanks.

  2. Yaya: Thank you for your generous praise and feedback on various posts, which you have left for some time now. I welcome all stalkers, so please feel free to drop in any time!


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