Wednesday 29 October 2008

Penniless gay chef

My Thai partner and I went to bed at the same time last night, and today woke at the same time, too.

From the other room, he yawned loudly. He must have known I would be awake.

A few moments later when I walked into his room, I couldn't see him. He wasn't on his bed, and he wasn't in the bathroom.

I remembered a trick he would pull years ago...he likes to hide.

Some nights I would come home from work, and find him absent. I would look in my room and his, and check both bathrooms - no Maiyuu.

Then I would open the wardrobe, just to see. I would find him hiding in the bottom of the wardrobe, with a towel over his head.

Maiyuu hasn't hidden himself away to give me a surprise like that in years.

This morning he did it again...after checking the bathroom, I turned around and saw a figure in grey, squeezed between the clothes basket and dining table. It was him!

'Caught you!' I said.

'How did you know?' he asked, laughing.

'I remember you used to hide yourself, years ago,' I said.

If Maiyuu has started hiding himself again, then he in a playful and happy mood. I hope it lasts.

It's two days to pay day, and we are poor.

The extra money I will earn from doing extra work at the office hasn't yet arrived, and the boyfriend hasn't been to work for at least a week.

Stuck at home all day, he gets bored, so likes to cook.

In the last two days, the Kitchen of Maiyuu has been busy. On the sweet side, he has made a tray of brownies, and a pineapple and cinnamon cake.

On the savoury side, he has made a dish of Vietnamese soft spring rolls (miang kum rolls) - thin strips of flour wrapped around spicy ingredients such as ginger, chili, green onion and coconut; and fried guay teow sen yay topped with chicken wings and a diced tomato, mushroom and onion sauce (see image below).

I worked out how much money we had left to pay day, how much I would need to take to work, and how much I could give him.

But over the last two days we have been home together, he has just kept asking...and asking. Icing sugar here...fresh vegetables from the market there.

As a result, the money has all but run out, and for the first time, I shall have to ask a friend at work to lend me money so we can make it to pay day.


  1. why do you and maiyu slept in different rooms?guv

  2. Ya I had the same thought at takashi.

  3. We sleep better apart. It is a myth that men who love each other have to share the same bed.

  4. Is that a polite way of saying you snore ?


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