Monday 22 December 2008

Money motivates

Today is boyfriend Maiyu's birthday.

Maiyuu has been confined to bed with a chest ailment and stomach bug for a couple of days.

I have been working for a foreigner friend on his company's website, so have not been home to keep Maiyuu company.

However, I did give Maiyuu B1000 as a birthday present, at his suggestion.

As I write, Maiyuu has managed to haul himself up from his sick bed to visit the local shopping mall, where he will probably buy himself something tasty to eat.


  1. Happy Hatchday to nong Maiyuu na. Stay forever young n cute, sweetie. *muack*

  2. ..ughhh..sooo unromantic..

    get him a bunch of flowers, or a nice cake, or a box of chocolate..fruits ..etc

    or at least some baking utensils..

  3. haha some people prefer money. I always ask for money too, or a gift card..


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