Thursday, 29 April 2010

Poor hearing, seaside tempter, naughty aircon guy

My mind is playing tricks. When I am talking to Ball and his family on the phone, sometimes I think I have heard something, when apparently I haven’t.

‘It’s late. Don’t come around tonight. You can see me on a day off,’ said Ball told me when we spoke on the phone.

His day off? That’s three days away. Actually, we are seldom able to meet at the tail end of the week, as we are both busy. But I didn’t like the casual way he said it, like he was shrugging me off.

I called him back five minutes later. ‘Why did you say you didn’t want any contact until the end of the week?’I asked. I made a joke of it, but I wanted to know.

‘I didn’t say anything about misheard,’ he said.

This happens a bit. Maiyuu might tell me something, and I am sure he meant XYZ. But when I bring it up later, he claims never to have said it.

Maybe it’s all a dream, and I don’t really know any of these people. Or, more likely, I will wake up 30 years from now in a rocking chair, and fail to remember anything that has happened in my life previously.

My grandmother went out like that...unaware of her surroundings, or the identity even of her own children. Is it a peaceful way to go? Maybe the memories start falling off one by one, like flowers off a tree in autumn. I am in no hurry to find out.

I have a similar problem understanding Ball’s mother. I ask a direct question, as is my farang way, but seldom get a direct answer.

Instead, I get a long, disjointed monologue. My job is to sift the various bits of information, attempt to make sense of the whole thing, and come up with a cogent response by the time she has finished.

‘Seaside...Ball wants to go...his family on that side is keen to invite him...everyone will go, including my soldier know, with the trouble on the streets, it is hard for a soldier to get leave...we have a van...everything included, a bit more than 2000 baht...hard to find a van we could hire...’

This was Mum's monologue on the phone, after Ball asked me if I intended to accompany his family on a visit to the seaside next week.

I am working on the day they intend to travel, so the answer is probably no.
However, I will offer to put some money towards the trip.

The van will cost B2000 to hire for the two-three hour journey to Chon Buri, where the family will spend the day at the beach. Earlier, they considered spending the night, but decided against when they realised how much it would cost.

‘How much would you like me to pay?’ I asked Ball’s mother.

‘Up to you,’ she said, in what sounded like an icy tone. But I may have imagined it, like so many other things these days.

I will probably give B700. That’s money I could have spent on something more lasting than a day-trip to the seaside, but never mind. If it helps get them out of their cramped slum home and into the fresh air and sun for a day, then why not.

PS: Four young men have turned up to clean our air conditioning units. One, who knows he is good looking, gave me The Look, to see if I would reciprocate. I am sure he is used to getting admiring glances, and wants to know if I find him as handsome as everyone else.

Oh, alright, if you must. When the boyfriend is not watching, I shall return The Look, so the air con guy knows that he has an admirer in me, too.

1 comment:

  1. 7 comments:

    hendrikbkk28 April 2010 at 23:59
    Mmmm, better spend that 700 bath on the airco guy!


    Bkkdreamer29 April 2010 at 07:14
    Mum insists I should go too, and that if I can't go on that day, the trip might be postponed.

    She wasn't too keen on the idea anyway...Ball was more enthusiastic.

    I can think of better ways to spend B1000, so we might just forget about that idea for the time being.


    Bkkdreamer29 April 2010 at 08:43
    ...And reader comments have gone where? They seem to have disappeared.


    Anonymous29 April 2010 at 10:18
    your are a sad case...little more than a walking
    ATM as foreigners are often called and rightly so. Stay away without contact for a week and see what develops. Are you afraid to do this?


    lance29 April 2010 at 11:56
    you are the walking atm...up to you..if thats what u want to do..."sugar uncle" is your role it wrong or bad?...I dont think one is getting hurt exept your wallet...thats what you want to do for entertainment and spend your cash with mum and ball ..why not?..the moralist cant an atm if you like.

    the beach boy gigolos have a saying;

    I am joking
    you are laughing
    but your wallet is crying


    Glenn29 April 2010 at 16:45
    That chicken dish looks really yummy except for the Thousand Islands dressing part.

    A tripod would work or you could just use brighter ambient lighting which would decrease your shutter speed making the shake less of an issue


    Bkkdreamer29 April 2010 at 17:49
    Anon: No, not afraid to spend time away. I have thought about it myself, but would find it hard to explain my absence if I did. 'Being there' for people is about just that - being present. Apart from that, I would miss Ball, his mother and other members of the family too much.

    Lance: Thank you. I enjoyed the saying from the beach boys. Not a night goes by at work when one of my single farang colleagues doesn't get a call from some forlorn soul from Nana Plaza, asking him to pay a return visit. I am sure the same saying prevails over there.

    Glenn: Thank you. I'll try it with more natural light and see what happens.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.