Friday, 30 April 2010

Blog turns 4, author's world gets smaller, Joycey makes it big again

This blog’s fourth birthday fell on Thursday. Sorry, I forgot. This is a catch-up pat on the back for my readers.

When I started this blog four years ago, I was living with boyfriend Maiyuu, of course, but he was seldom around.

In his absence I had started seeing a 20-year-old student. We stayed together more than 12 months.

I started the blog partly to record my thoughts about what was happening in my relationship with that fellow, but also as a place to put stories I had written about previous adventures, most of them based at a small shop on the Thon Buri side of Bangkok.

I have stopped seeing the university student. Mum’s shop, as it became known, barely figures in my life any more.

Bangkok is a huge city, but my world appears to be getting smaller. These days, I spend most of my time with the boyfriend, and my family in the slums nearby.

My readers don’t seem to mind; perhaps you are used to me by now. Readership has fallen from its level of 12 months ago, but is more stable. This blog pulls 500-600 unique reader visits a day. If repeat visits are included, the total exceeds 1,000.

For me, the best part of this blog is interaction with readers.

No one enjoys writing in a vacuum, and lately readers have rewarded with me with lively feedback on posts about my life with Mr Ball and his family near my home. Some posts attract up to 30 responses.

Thank you for your support. You are terrific!

As is tradition at this time of year, I want to name the blog which has given me most enjoyment over the previous 12 months.

It’s not a Thai blog; I have hardly any of them left on my blog roll, as they fail to do anything for me.

The author is a journalist with the International Herald Tribune in Hong Kong. The blog is called Joyceyland, named after its author, Joyce Lau. That’s her in the picture by the helicopter, with her man, Marc the Metrosexual.

Joyce has a way with the written word. She can make public matters, such as an upcoming election in Hong Kong, or even her observations of a flight over the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, which she visited recently, seem personal.

Hardly any writers can do that. When I read her, I am excited: I want to know what she’s thinking, and what she’ll say next.

Even fewer writers manage that feat.

Find Joycey here (she's now set it to friends only - sorry).


  1. 19 comments:

    kawadjan29 April 2010 at 18:55
    Congratulations! :-)


    hendrikbkk29 April 2010 at 19:03
    Happy Birthday! Hope you will continue for a long time.
    I prefer your stories about your small world, they are interesting, funny and sometimes annoying to read.
    Don't listen too much to those who think you are pathetic, a walking ATM, a cradlesnatcher, a dirty old man..shall I go on? Let them look at there own life, maybe they have the Perfect Life, who knows? But what is more boring then to read about perfect people.
    One wish, a bit more gayness would be welcomed!


    Bkkdreamer29 April 2010 at 19:30
    Kawadjan: Thank you.

    Hendrik: Thanks, also. I shall steal a gay hug from Ball for you.


    Anonymous29 April 2010 at 20:33
    Although I have posted a few "critcisms" in the past and gotten a mild tongue lashing or two in response, I throughly enjoy your blog and make it one of my first reads of the day. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


    Anonymous29 April 2010 at 20:42
    dont flatter urself and compare with joyce blog. ur writing cannot even stand in the shadow and is boring at best


    JK29 April 2010 at 20:52
    Reading about your Thai life & boyfriend can help to put up a mirror to my own and to compare.


    Anonymous29 April 2010 at 23:36
    Yes, many others have fallen by the wayside. You are almost 'the last man standing'.

    Congratulations on your longevity!

    PS, If Ball complains about your gay hugs, etc.
    Tell him to blame it on your demanding readers ;)

    Silicon Farang


    Anonymous29 April 2010 at 23:39
    Congrats, BD, on your 4th birthday, l wish for many more to come.
    l visit twice a day and though l may not always post, l see you both as dear friends.
    l love your sharp wit and have often lol'ed at your posts. Your blog is f'a'b. Thanks for diligence Parker.

    With love and big hug to you both
    Lady P, aka Wilko xx


  2. Bkkdreamer30 April 2010 at 04:46
    Anon (pleasant): That's very sweet, thank you.

    Anon(gutless): Who is making comparisons? But if I was to compare, I would have to say ungraciously that we are as least as good as each other.

    JK: I hope yours comes out looking better than mine does at times!

    SF: I haven't managed to squeeze a gay hug out of him yet. Still trying.

    Wilko: Thank you, deareast Lady Penelope. I like the bit about the sharp wit...I don't know how I manage that, when my senses are so dull. But at least, unlike the real Lady P, I haven't started talking to teapots.


    Anonymous30 April 2010 at 08:37
    lol, no.........not yet but have you tried??? You never know, someone might answer!!! Just be surreptitious incase the men in white coats are waiting to take you away!!

    Wilks xx


    Joyce Lau30 April 2010 at 10:54
    Awww, BKK Dreamer. I'm really flattered.

    And I feel the same about your blog.

    Most of the blogs I link to have something directly to do with me. They are about Hong Kong or China. Or they are by people I personally know. Or they are on women's issues or fashion. Basically, they are all practical, relevant reading.

    But I read your blog just for the joy of it. After all, my life is a zillion years away from being a gay Australian man who is helping a Bangkok slum family.

    Someone once told me that a good writer is someone who can pull the reader into a subject no matter what it is, even if it's obscure or distant. And, while I think professional journalism is different than blogging, I don't think one is more interesting than the other.

    So hurray for personal writing! And happy birthday to your site.


    Anonymous30 April 2010 at 15:46
    Last year it was Kawadjan, and at that time a sure agreed, but I lost interest. Now I like reading , beside yours , 'Don't Call Moi Sir'.
    Joyce Lau I didn't know, so I will have to put some effort to her.
    Thank you BkkDreamer, an keep on going.
    "Dank u wel" "Tige tank "



    Anonymous30 April 2010 at 16:52
    for fresh and diverse stories about life and travel in Thailand, khunbaobao blogspot can't be beat.


    Anonymous30 April 2010 at 17:04
    Has it been a year ago when I first started to read your blog? I really can't remember. But I do remember that it started out because I was looking for people's feedback on the Love of Siam. Thank you for sharing! It really is a joy to read about your Bangkok stories (not even close to being boring as one of your readers claims). I hope to make it there again someday. Happy anniversary!--Keith.


    Orn30 April 2010 at 17:17
    Happy Birthday! Your blog is definitely on my favourite list. I love reading it in the morning, while sipping on coffee.

    Looking forward to your next installment of Ball saga.


  3. Bkkdreamer30 April 2010 at 17:56
    Joyce: Thank you.

    I have been a journalist in my time. Yes, they are different. I wouldn't mind going back to a newsroom in the West now to see how much blogging and other social media have changed the way reporters interact with their readers.

    Fryslân: Once again, thank you. You are one of my most regular contributors in the comments section, and a dear.

    Keith: My pleasure. I notice the Anon critic who says I can't write himself can barely string a sentence together. Never mind. The critics make it fun too.

    I watched Love of Siam again the other day. I have yet to find a Thai family style-drama (or even gay drama) which for its compelling value comes even close to that film, which is a shame.

    Mario has changed markedly since it came out. These days, of course, he's the Thai equivalent of a superstar, but he has also lost his boyish looks, and has now become a young man.

    I have yet to convince myself that he can act. He has several films about to come out, so we will get another chance soon to decide.

    Orn: Dearest, thank you. I enjoy looking over reader comments over coffee in the morning. If this blog has failed to draw any comments overnight, I plunge into a black mood and start questioning the meaning of life, the universe and blogging.

    Ball's mother has invited me to her own mother's place in Bangkok today for a birthday celebration. Mum is cooking for the old bird, who is marking her birthday.

    Granny has asked that I be present...she remembers me from a few weeks ago, when she was resident at Ball's place, almost permanently ensconsed on the only couch which that home possesses.

    The rest of us were forced to perch on the hard sitting room floor.

    Ball is going, as is his annoyingly sullen girlfriend. I have no idea how it turn out, but will accompany them for the experience.

    My escape will come in early evening, when I have to leave for work.


    Anonymous30 April 2010 at 22:24
    Plenty more cute guys where those came from. I have a lot of fun hunting for them. Happy fourth. Catch up with you in June, Red Shirts permitting. - Loyal Reader Ian


    Anonymous1 May 2010 at 18:30
    The Love of Siam is still the best Thai movie I've seen, but I can't make myself to watch the whole movie again as it's piercingly sad.
    It's hard for me to imagine Mario or Pitch as superstars as I have not heard much about them since. They must look very different now, and no longer innocent.--Keith


    Bkkdreamer1 May 2010 at 18:44
    I saw him on TV the other day. He still has that bulbous look about his nose, but looks much harder in the face than he did.

    Last night, I found him on a celebrity gossip website. He was wearing shades and carrying some smart carry bag over his shoulders.

    His girlfriend cuts her hair like a lampshade. She was there too.

    In his public utterances, Mario is just too 'nice' for words, which makes him painful to watch.

    I would say his appeal among younger ones runs out once the age of credulity has passed. No 'real' Thais males his age look, or behave anything like him.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.