Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Sad baker

Boyfriend Maiyuu’s plans to sell his baking have come to nothing.

He was sad and depressed for a few days last week, after he realised he wouldn’t get the work after all.

Last month, I wrote that the sister of a woman he knows had opened a hairdressing salon/coffee shop close to a four-star hotel in Silom.

Back then, she was in the process of finding suppliers for the shop. Maiyuu, we thought, stood a chance of being chosen as one of them.

He made her some chocolate cupcakes as samples, and went to see her. His new friend was enthusiastic, though doubted she would be able to afford it.

Initially Maiyuu proposed selling her the produce. After she hesitated, he proposed simply baking to order. If she was unable to sell anything, he would suffer the loss, not her.

Despite her initial enthusiasm, the woman – who, according to Maiyuu, comes from a family with money – has not called back.

Maiyuu has not called her either. I am not sure if it’s because he’s being a self-effacing Thai, or if he simply can’t be bothered.

One day, if I am ever walking down that way, I shall look for her shop and pay her a visit. I would like to tell her what a good opportunity she missed.

1 comment:

  1. 6 comments:

    D11 August 2010 at 17:49
    Mr. M needs to man up and just ask the lady already, for goodness sakes make some FU (follow up) calls!Personally if I really wanted / needed a job I'd be persistent as hell and hound people with FU calls, eventually someone would hire me. Pe, I don't know what people see in this guy. His acting needs improvements and in certain angles he looks like a .. hrm.. for lack of a better word ugly version of Kermit the frog from Sesame street.



    Anonymous11 August 2010 at 18:33
    So happy to see your new blog site. It looks elegant and sharp. Congratulations.
    Given Maiyuu's great cooking abilities and the well presented dishes he nprepares, couldn't he look at becoming a chef in a good restaurant? One of the fancy hotels? Why not give it a try?
    Take care, Fran


    Bkkdreamer11 August 2010 at 18:45
    D: I asked him if he had called the woman. 'No, because I don't want to annoy her. I know she's not interested anyway,' he said.

    Like you, I think he should try harder. However, I am starting to resign myself to the fact that Maiyuu would rather be a housewife....with few friends or family visiting, or anything else going on in his life, other than him and me.

    Fascinating. Forgive me if I find myself straying out to visit my family in the slums occasionally; they feel more real over there.

    Re Pe...he has a manly screen presence, and a great voice. But he can look quite odd, deending on how the camera catches him.

    Fran: Thank you for the compliment on the blog's new look.

    If Maiyuu wants to find an outlook for his talents, great. But that's up to him. I can't see any evidence that he cares much, one way or the other.


    Anonymous12 August 2010 at 03:23
    Poor Maiyuu, l'm sad things didn't work out for him. l'm sure these rejections must knock his confidence too. Maybe he should get himself a little stall and sell his stuff himself or is that too difficult to do? l dont now how the law works in Thailand.

    Well he mustn't give up.

    Love to you both
    Wilks xx


    Bkkdreamer12 August 2010 at 06:36
    Wilks: Thanks for your encouraging words. I don't know what he wants to do...maybe focus on looking after me, perhaps, rather than working for other people.

    I am going overseas soon for a couple of weeks, and worry he will not have enough to do to keep him occupied at home.

    I was hoping he would find work outside home, to help him stave of the loneliness which is likely to follow.


    Joyce Lau21 August 2010 at 21:22
    If this place doesn't work out, I'm sure there are other bakeries in town. That said, it sounds like the issue is Maiyuu's passivity, not the lack of work opportunities.
    Have a wonderful trip overseas.



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