Monday, 12 February 2007

Chest pains

Maiyuu took himself to hospital early yesterday morning complaining of pains in his chest. His heart was beating too fast, he said, which made his chest sore. The trouble started when he tried to cross the road in a hurry earlier the same evening.

Maiyuu had been to work, and then out with friends. He was coming home when he started to feel sick, so he went back out again to Chulalongkorn Hospital, which treated him last time.

I was on my way home too, as it happens, but just missed him. I did not hear about his hospital visit until I woke up eight hours later.

His regular doctor was not there, as it was now after 2am. A senior nurse listened to his chest with a stethoscope, but did not offer a scan, or give medicine.

He urged him to avoid physical exertion, and to get plenty of rest. Maiyuu goes back for a regular check-up in about a week, when I assume they will give him a scan - something more comprehensive, anyway, than the treatment he was offered the other night.

'Get plenty of rest' - I could have told him that myself. 'Avoid physical exertion' - I didn't know that was advised in lung cancer cases such as his, but Maiyuu says they told him that last time anyway.

Maiyuu stayed at Chula until about 7am. He tried to sleep, but couldn't get much rest. Since his first visit he had cut back on smoking, and yesterday, after getting back from hospital, hardly smoked at all.

He is scared, and told me so. He doesn't know what is happening inside his body.

He returned home quietly, so as not to wake me. When I did rise about 10am, Maiyuu told me what happened.

I held Maiyuu to make him feel better.

I held him close to calm my fears, too.

1 comment:

  1. Not trying to make things worse but... it sounds really strange to me that you are never able to witness his clinical crises. Also, why would the hospital allow a nurse to send him home without further exams? Why did he wait until you woke up to tell you the news if he was so scared? Something doesn't sound quite right.


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