Monday, 26 February 2007


A handsome young farang friend works in a bar in a popular backpacker zone. He works with his Thai girlfriend, for Thai wages, which is another way of saying that at present he is poor.

The other night, when I met him for the first time, he had just argued with his girlfriend, with whom he also shares a place close to Mum's shop.

He asked if he could join me for a drink to unload. Last night, he turned up again, after being unable to sleep. I noticed the knuckles on his right hand were bruised.

'What happened?'

'Some customers refused to pay, and the owner asked me to sort them out.'

The owner is Thai.

'You mean, he asked you to hit someone?'

'He just told me to make sure they paid.'

Knuckles is from Britain - as were his recalcitrant customers. They had turned up drunk, and ordered a 'bucket'.

I wasn't familiar with the term 'bucket', so I had to ask. A bucket is a shared drink. A half-bottle of Thai whisky is poured into an ice container. Next, add Coke and Red Bull, then the straws.

According to my young friend, one of the lads took a swing at him, so he hit him back. In the end, they paid.

'I'm not paid enough to hit people,' complained Knuckles.

His boss makes good money, but pays the charming Knuckles just B200 a day, plus tips.

Knuckles says he expects a big pay cheque, from his last job in England, to arrive any day soon. He plans a meal in an expensive skytower restaurant to celebrate.

My friend is an unusual mix. He is 27 this year, but refers to himself as a 'baby', who has been known to weep when he calls his Mum at home. He appears innocent and friendly, but can hit drunks in pubs. He is more worldly wise than I am, despite his relative youth.

He is determined to make a success of his Thailand adventure, which I admire.

'I will not let myself get bitter and depressed like some farang,' he says.

Knuckles has figured out that I like guys, but does not seem flustered. Like many of my young Thai friends, he strikes me as a young man in search of a Dad.

Once a young male leaves childhood, it is hard to find a man to fulfil that role. I hope Knuckles finds what he wants, for the sake of his own peace of mind. Then he can stop hitting people in pubs, and get on with his life.

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