Tuesday 19 February 2008

Thai home decorator (3, final)

That was the first I knew that the decorating work at home was not going well. In previous emails, Maiyuu said he was having to move most of the furniture about himself, and it was hard work.

'I asked a friend downstairs to help, but he turned up just the one day to help me lift things. When I phoned him again, he refused to answer,' he said.

On the day of my return, at 6am, Maiyuu turned up at the airport to meet me - a sweet gesture, as he had not yet slept. 'I was painting the ceiling with a roller. I have a sore back, arms and legs,' he said.

Maiyuu has now dismissed the painters, as he thinks we will get better value if we finish the work ourselves. He has also told the floor-layer to go, as he did not like the quality of his workmanship.

'He used cement to level out the floor of that room. If the floor is not level, the tiles may not stick.

'I can do the rest myself,' he said.

So, we are left with one room where the floor is almost done, but not quite, and where the walls and ceiling are almost painted, but still look patchy. Work in the other room has not even started.

The man hired to lay the floor tiles said Maiyuu would need to hire someone to move the wardrobe, and the frame for the double bed.

In the end, Maiyuu asked him to lay the tiles around them, as time was running out. Soon the demanding foreigner would get back and wonder why his place still looked a mess.

Months ago, Maiyuu ordered a new mattress. For weeks, I asked him when it was going to arrive.

'I want them the department store to hold on to it until the painting is done,' he would say.

We have now taken delivery of the mattress, though given the delays, it has still come too early.

The mattress now sits in Maiyuu's room, adding to the clutter in there. He plans to give his old bed to a friend downstairs.

My under-fed, overworked boyfriend is sleeping on his new mattress as I write.

Maiyuu has lost weight since I left, and his face looks more rugged. He has eaten little while I have been away, as he reckons he had no time. He did not go to work, but spent his days supervising painters and the floor-layer.

'You look handsome,' I said.

'How? I feel shattered,' he said.

Before he slept, I rubbed his back and shoulders, and planted kisses on his head. After 10 days away, I have missed his body being close to mine.

Would the work have finished faster if I had been here?

Yes, but then too much western-style order can be a dull thing.

From my condo, I can see the rear-end of a pagoda-shaped structure, which has worn a green hat - construction netting - for months. An idle crane stands next to it.

No one seems in a hurry to finish the work. The pagoda might sit there for many more months before work resumes.

'Next time, I think we should ask the painters and floor-layers in to inspect the place first,' I suggested.

'No...next time, I shall do the work instead. It's easier than relying on other people,' said Maiyuu.

I couldn't have put that better myself.


  1. So... you never actually saw any decorators... and there's no paperwork, I imagine... and your boyfriend looks like he's been working overtime and wants more money... yup. He definitely pocketed all the money at a loss to you.

  2. It did occur to me that I never saw any decorators, or any paperwork. However, I doubt he could have done what has been done to our place himself. It looks too hard.

  3. It's easy for outsiders to guess these things- as it would be for you if you really wanted to know.

    He probably had a few friends over and had them help out in exchange for a few beers (or many beers).

  4. One of the things I like about my guy is that I am always finding out new things about him. Inviting friends over for a beer is the last thing he would do.

    You think you can guess at these things, perhaps because Thai boys you have known might have stiffed you in a similar way. Poor you, I say...but that doesn't mean everyone else's experience of Thai boys has to mirror your own.


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