Saturday 8 March 2008

Pulling the finger out (1)

I have just given my Thai partner a rev-up, so maybe today - for the first time in more than week - we can get some painting done.

For the last few days, I have worked two jobs, which has kept me away from home and the paint brush.

The boyfriend refuses to return to his paid job in town, and complains of feeling lonely when I get home.

I spend an hour at home after my day job, before leaving again for the job I do at night.

I can understand how he might be lonely...I am not around as much as I was before. But what does he do to fill in time - paint?

Maiyuu sits around all day watching television, or sleeping. He has not lifted a finger to do any work, even though it's his room which needs painting.

Nothing has been done since we both painted half of one wall, more than week ago.

Thais do not like doing things alone, as it is more fun to have company. So if the thought of painting alone does not appeal, why not go back to work?

'I want to get the decorating done first, and spend time with you, so you don't get lonely,' he said.

Lonely? I don't get time, as I am too busy working two jobs. Maiyuu has told his boss that he is busy decorating our place, so can't return to his paid work.

Yet leave it too long, and there may be no work left for him to do.

And as for the decorating which he says he wants to get done, he could speed things up a little if he bothered to lift a brush occasionally.

'I have worked two jobs for most of this week, while you sit at home doing nothing,' I told him.

Last week, Maiyuu paid B3000 for a new window, and another B1500 to replace the heating unit in the shower. This has left us with little money, which is one reason I took up a friend's invitation to do some extra work.

I have spent little money over the last week, other than transport costs, as I cross town to get to my day job and back again, then take a 45-minute bus ride to another part of town for the job I do regularly at night.

The boyfriend, however, who sits at home doing nothing, wants to spend money. He asked for B1000 on Thursday, and another B1000 yesterday, so he could buy pizza for us to eat, and then cook.

'This second B1000 will have to last you two days,' I said.

now, see part 2


  1. I suppose it goes without saying that most people with paid jobs have no choices about going to them, and that quality roommates much less quality boyfriends pull their weight....

  2. This is Thailand, where few things are what they seem, or make any sense. What happens when Maiyuu goes absent from work for weeks at a time? Nothing, apparently. They must be a casual lot. Will his job still be there when he goes back, if he ever bothers to return? I do not know.

    What happens when he sits around for days on end doing nothing while his farang BF works two jobs? The same answer: nothing, because he feels no guilt.

    It wasn't until I mentioned it today that he finally pulled finger.

    I refuse to believe that he had an alternative scenario planned out ... for example, hiring a painter to finish the job once I get paid next week; overseeing that work; then perhaps returning to work himself by the end of the week.

    That's too logical, too sensible, and far too western. Best just to let life drift aimlessly, as that is more fun.

    If his life had more meaning, it would be in better shape. But the fact that it seems empty to him at present is hardly my fault. He must learn to take responsibility for his own life. At 30 years of age, it's still not too late.

  3. To say that jobs in Thailand don't function as normal jobs is rubbish. Unless he has some literally piecemeal work (like day labour at the dock) or he finds what work he can assisting at street restaurants from day to day, or sells used clothing by the roadside, he will be expected to go to work- even more days than an employee in another country. You truly are dreaming.

  4. I am not sure that I put it quite like that. In any event, everyone's experience is different. As it happens, the BF visited his workplace last night, and has gone in tonight to replace someone who has called in sick.


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