Friday 20 February 2009

Feng shui bed distraction

Loyal reader BODYholic asked if ordinary Thais consult a Chinese astrologer's almanac before contemplating big steps such as moving to a new condo.

I am sure they do: even Thai politicians think nothing of consulting fortune tellers before taking decisions which affect the nation.

We have not consulted astrologers before our big move, which should hopefully take place on Sunday.

I am just happy if boyfriend Maiyuu can focus on packing his household belongings on time. We can leave the rest to chance.

He chose Sunday as the day for our move, not because the almanac says it might be an auspicious occasion, but simply because the traffic is lighter that day.

We might get to the new place quicker than if we left it to a weekday, when the roads are busier.

How pleasingly pragmatic! Imagine my surprise then, when Maiyuu calmly announced today that he was paying a visit to the new condo - his first in two days - to allay superstitions about the position of his bed.

When he lies on his bed, his feet are pointing at the door. According to feng shui principles, this is bad luck, so he's visiting the condo to move the bed in his room to a different position.

That's the only job he has to do while at the condo.

It's a 40-minute bus ride to the new place, but he is sufficiently worried about the bad luck which could follow from sleeping in that position that he is prepared to take the trip.

He has asked me to buy more packing boxes while he is away, as we have now run out.

You're welcome, sir. Once we have dealt with the feng shui distraction, maybe we can get back to work!


  1. the thing about feet facing the door is.. that's how funeral for the deceased is arranged. the corpse lies in the coffin with his/her legs facing the door. and for anyone to sleep in that order means that he's wishing for himself to die fast.

    this is as far as what i know from the local chinese culture in malaysia

  2. My Bf had a problem with our last house because according to feng-shui the entry door faced the wrong direction, which brings bad luck. oiiii
    Maybe there's something to it though: life was hell in that house.

  3. feet facing the door means you want to die? so what about head facing the window. I could say, well in christian belief good people go to heaven and the quickest way is out of the window, so that means I want to die. it's all a bit silly. I know, ancient beliefs and so on but why being so pragmatic with the movement and then so - "inefficient" with the bus-ride to adjust the bed?
    has he at least finished the windows and the floors by now?

  4. "When he lies on his bed, his feet are pointing at the door."

    I am not exactly sure about the feet pointing part, but what I do know is that we do not like doors open directly to bed or sofa set.

    The ideal is simple. Basically, doors control the flow of Qi (i.e. energy). Opening of door is akin to releasing the floodgate of Qi. It is believe that one who sits or rests directly from this flow of Qi tends to get sick easily.

    Of course, it is superstitious. Then again, if it doesn't cost too much to shift the bed, why not?


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