Tuesday 1 July 2008

In the mood for cooking

I must be doing something right by the boyfriend. Last night, as I went to bed, my partner Maiyuu went to a local supermarket to buy supplies. It had been raining all night, and was still spitting when he left.

Maiyuu was in the mood for cooking. He came back with celery, radishes, and two chicken steaks.

He had not seen radishes before, though he knew what they were called.

'What do you use them for?' he asked me this morning.

'Salad,' I said.

I went back to the computer. While I was busy there, he fried two steaks, and made his salad. He cut the celery into strips, and sliced the radishes thinly. Then he made a mayonnaise dressing.

He assembled the salad on two plates, using radishes as the base. Then he popped a few olives on top. Viola - a chicken steak and salad lunch, which I did not know I was getting.

'I sauteed the steaks in alcohol. When I came back last night I put them in a bowl with whisky, and soaked them overnight in the fridge.'

I am pleased to know that the bottle of rough Thai whisky I keep at home, and drink from regularly, can be of use in the kitchen.

The meal was delicious.

I don't need to visit hi-so restaurants in Silom to get western-style food if I want it. The boyfriend cooks it instead, and without prompting.

Thank you, Mr Maiyuu!


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