Thursday 23 October 2008

Kindly farang opens his wallet - again

I picked up my order of food from the market last night and was heading back to my condo when I heard the clump-clump of teenage feet.

Two young men who saw me collect my food order from a covered eating area opposite my condo were in pursuit. I heard them muttering, then realised they were heading towards me.

I stopped. 'You don't recognise us any more?' one young man asked.

He had dyed his hair gold. No, I didn't recognise him in that colour. I am used to black.

Thais get upset if you forget them, even after months pass by. To delete a Thai's phone number from your cellphone memory is a sin, if you do happen to meet again and he grasps the terrible truth.

The young man with gold hair swims in the canal nearby. I had not seen him fully dressed before.

'We haven't eaten...I have been to work, but my pay hasn't come out yet,' he said.

'It was midnight. How can you not have eaten?' I asked. I wanted to get home and eat myself, but felt guilty, holding my plastic bag containing three Thai meals.

He repeated his story.

I pulled out my wallet. This was becoming a habit. The day before, two youngsters aged 10 or 11 asked me for 'snack money'. Feeding children that age is cheap - they wanted only 10 baht each. As they get older, they want more, and feeding them gets more expensive.

'How many need to eat?' I asked.

'Just me and my younger friend,' said Mr Golden Hair, pointing to a young man whose face I did not know.

A wild-looking youth who knew them pulled up on a motorbike as we talked, but was sensible enough not to put out his hand.

I gave Mr Golden Hair B40 baht, which was barely enough for two meals. I hope he forgives me.

I visit the canal every day to watch the boats go by. I have given youngsters swimming there money for food almost every day this week. The cheeky ones ask, while the meeker ones hold back.

I do not want to get a reputation as a kindly, avuncular farang with a deep wallet. Why can't their parents look after them?

The security guard from my condo watched me hand money to Mr Golden Hair and his friend.

He saw me talking to them, and wandered over for a look. No doubt he disapproved - of the young men asking for money, not me. I am just the stupid foreigner who gets exploited.


  1. I will be disapproved also of you giving money to youngsters, 1 or 2 times it still ok but how if they buy something bad (alcohol, pills, etc ) rather than food like what they told you, who knows what youngsters can buy nowadays but it's your choice anyway. In my hometown poor people tend to use their children to beg for money then take the money from them without giving them proper food. I hope those youngsters that you were giving money not buying something bad and can appreciate your kind intention.

  2. ... really cute guy in the photos !!

  3. I also disapprove, you're coming off as a pushover.

    Just say "No"! Begging is not a good behavior to keep, don't encourage them by giving them money.

  4. yes i agree, the guy in the photos is damn good looking. my mouth's watering already. lol

  5. as for you feeding others, there are so many poor ones in the world. how many can you help?

    will they even remember you or be grateful? or will they remember you and just ask for more?

  6. You are kind. I would have done the same thing. 40baht probably won't be enough for them to buy drugs. On a positive light, maybe they do need it for food or other genuine reasons.

    but of course, you shouldn't always open your wallet every single will take advantage of you...


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