Thursday 2 July 2009

Well, that was predictable

Small brown ants have invaded my keyboard. I must have been eating food over it. Bits and pieces have fallen into the cracks between the keys, and now the ants are having a feast.

A friend says I should just leave them, as they are cleaning the keyboard for me. But it is disconcerting to hit the keys and find ants running in all directions.

After prompting, Anonymous (I assume it is the same one, though it could be one of his spawn) - has given me an example of the kind of post I should be writing.

‘Silom Farang just posted a VERY INTERESTING tale about some of the dishonest practices unsuspecting Thai tourists are falling prey to.. so far it has elicited 12 COMMENTS.. not one of which he had to beg for.’

I am delighted to get this response, as I was thinking about this airport corruption saga just the other day.

The story about duty free staff/tourist police entrapping foreign tourists has been well covered at webboards such as and, not to mention the letters page of the local papers. Overseas newspapers have run it, as have Thai political/news blogs.

Broaden your reading horizons, pal – not all Thai news starts and ends with gay blogs!

Anonymous wants me to cover the same topic that he can read about everywhere else – and in the process, to become yet another farang bleater whingeing about this, that and the other.

No, thanks. If you want to read Farang Tales Inc, then you know where to find them.

The idea of writing a blog should be to offer something different, which readers can’t find elsewhere; or as the blog author, to at least offer my own perspective on Thai life, which no one else is likely to share.

I don’t care about what Anonymous would like to read on this blog, because

(1): He can read it elsewhere.
(2): I don’t want to sound like everyone else.

For the time being, I have switched on the comments moderation feature, so I can weed out Anon’s nastier remarks before they are published here. I am tired of his negativism, so shall now delete him on sight, unless he says something useful.


  1. Wilko2 July 2009 at 08:55
    Remember if you kill an ant you may cause a change in history and the Universe will collapse..........or worse, they could eat Maiyuu's food he's cooked for you and you will might get bitten and stung!
    Wow, l love being dramatic!


    Bkkdreamer2 July 2009 at 08:57
    You love being dramatic? Join the club! It's the stuff of life.


  2. Bkkdreamer9 April 2023 at 19:48
    Yraen2 July 2009 at 07:57
    I have just read the last several of your posts in one go.

    Personally, I enjoy reading about the minutiae of your daily excitements, the people you note, the things they do. I would also die for some of your bf's cooking.

    As someone once said, "It is your blog, you write it any way you like."
    And piffle to those who don't like what you do. :)

    Best wishes.


    Bkkdreamer2 July 2009 at 08:33
    Yraen: Thank you for the positive words, and I hope you continue to enjoy your visits here.

    I suspect some of the critics are just stirrers. If all blogs were alike the world would be a dull place!


    c2 July 2009 at 10:58
    You know if your blog was full of news like, I wouldn't be reading it daily. So thumbs up to you bkkdreamer for not following trend.


    Anonymous2 July 2009 at 12:35
    Hear hear! Silom Farang spends far to much time bashing Thais and the bad elements in their society, as if corruption and cheating tourists/farangs doesn't exist in other countries. If he doesn't like it, he should stop squatting in Bangkok on his monthly tourist visa and leave. - Ian


    Anonymous2 July 2009 at 15:15
    Thank you! Great story which I find absolutely nowhere. This is what I enjoy most about your blog. (Without you I would never know how my husband keeps stealing his new looks from various thai stars.)


    Kevo335 July 2009 at 06:53
    I like this blog because it covers a more domestic side of life, instead of "this is the random boy i slept with last night..."
    I am a very settled-down type of person and so this blog attracts me to it. Plus, it covers some of the less famous aspects of living in Thailand. That is important to me because i intend to live in Thailand one day, so i can learn from your experiences. Keep it going , BKK!


    Bkkdreamer5 July 2009 at 08:05
    Kevo33: Thank you. I can't be bothered with blogs which talk about the farang author's latest exploits in bed.

    They are seldom written with the reader in mind. Often, I have trouble understanding what they are trying to say. Apart from that, who cares?

    Writing should aim to get at the humanity of us all, not to relive a sexual conquest. That kind of story belongs in a private diary, not a public medium.

    A few blogs on my blogroll stray into this territory, I must admit. They are there not just for those posts, which to some extent are predictable, but for whatever insights the author has to offer about life for a foreigner in Bkk. If they can't offer any, then I shall delete them.




Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.