Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Sweet nothings in a vacant lot, out-of-season harvest

‘Do you love me?’ asked Mr Ball as he walked me home from carer R’s ya dong stand the other night.

We were on the vacant lot, a tumbling mess of weeds, broken ground, delapidated housing, and wild dogs.

It was hardly the most romantic place in which to be speaking the sweet language of love, but there you are.

‘Yes,’ I said.

Mr Ball had imbibed to excess, shall we say.

‘I have no one to talk to...I can’t rely on my friends,’ he said.

The next night, when we walked home across the lot, hand in hand, he was more subdued.

‘You can be my elder brother,’ he said.

I was relieved to hear that, as I am not interested in romance with a 19-year-old. I can love him as a father figure or elder brother does, but nothing else.

He likes our walks across the vacant lot, because we are alone. He sits next to me at carer R’s stall, because we are close, and he likes to drink my ya dong.

When he is not there, regulars tease me about him. 'Where's Ball?' they ask, as if I have misplaced my boyfrend somewhere.

I don’t know what Ball really wants, but nor do I worry about it any more.

Last night, my friend farang C, who lives in the same condo complex as me, joined us at the ya dong stand.

As I massaged Ball's back for him, farang C told us stories about women of the night he has known in Bangkok.

Ball has never been to a tourist nightspot in Bangkok other than Suan Lum Night Bazaar. He was intrigued.

The three guys also talked about English football, which they follow.

It was good to see Ball interacting with another farang. I watched his reactions closely.

'Yes, he's straight. That's so straight!' I told myself, as I studied his body and facial movements.

I was convincing myself that Ball is what he says he is: a young men who prefers women, but who is perhaps just lonely, and in need of strong men in his life.

Farang C, who is dyed-in-the-wool straight, reckons Ball is gay, but I am not so sure.

'He's such a girl!' said farang C, when Ball was out of earshot.

When Ball’s had a few, he veers off the straight track, it's true, and the more he imbibes, the more he appears to desire male affection.

When he wakes the next day, he can’t remember anything from the night before. Perhaps that is just as well, but none of this makes him gay.

Carer R says I should just 'harvest' him. But I can't see it happening, as everything between us would change.
Carer R would like an invitation to my place for a meal. First, I’ll have to pack off boyfriend Maiyuu.

Maiyuu is not a sociable type, and would rather do without the bother of having to entertain one of my friends at home.

Carer R, who is 22, and married, has also invited me to his visit his father-in-law's home in Yasothon in April, so we can take part in the next bun bang fai rocket festival.

The trip probably won't happen, but at least these things are possible to contemplate, for carer R is an adult.

With someone as young as Mr Ball, on the other hand, where do you even begin?


  1. 13 comments:

    Man of the Rose27 January 2010 at 01:26
    Dear, since your feelings for Ball is vague, would you be an angel to me and let him be taken care of by mine? I love taking care of people young or old ;-> Should we have a get-together with Kawadjan? I really would love to meet you up guys.


    hansey2127 January 2010 at 03:45
    when he asked you the question " do you love me?" I then thought that he is thinking that you are showing your feelings for him and then when you answered "yes", i knew that, that love of yours for him is just like an elder family member...


    Bkkdreamer27 January 2010 at 06:03
    Hansey 21: I care for him, and worry about him, which is a kind of love.

    I also like seeing him often. I start to miss him if I can't see him every couple of days, though that phase might pass as I get to know him better.

    Where it goes from here I don't know. Buying him things? Dropping in to see his Mum more often, to talk about her son?

    I am not too keen on buying him things, as it doesn't feel quite right; I could be spending that money on boyfriend Maiyuu or myself, or perhaps just saving it.

    I am happiest when we are just talking, or spending time in the company of his family. It doesn't have to get complicated, and nor should any of us think about it too much, I suspect.


    hansey2127 January 2010 at 08:09
    buying things for others is just too kind, even if he/she is your friend, just save the money for you and your bf so that whatever happens, you always have something in your pocket, and missing him when you don't see ball, hmm well I do miss my friends a lot...


    Bkkdreamer27 January 2010 at 18:07
    I might buy him the odd thing, but it won't amount to much. Ball is stuck in a nasty slum rut.

    He is in a poorly paying job, because he left school at age 15/16. He gives his mother most of what he earns, and spends the rest on booze.

    Mum has responsibilities, and must shop for the whole family. After paying bills and buying food, I doubt much is left. I asked her once why Ball did not resume his studies.

    'He has to help me run the household,' she said.

    The other night, as we sat at the ya dong stall drinking, I heard the tail end of some story he had started previously with carer R. 'Some of my pay went missing,' he said.

    Ball runs up dirnking bills. Mum may have expected him to come home with more money, but Ball had spent it boozing. He told her that he 'lost' it, to save face.

    It's a slum rut, and I have no idea how he will get himself out of it, living as he does with a large family, and a step-father who rarely works.

    Maybe, if the oldest child (Ball's elder brother) does well in the armed forces, where he works as a soldier, the family's finances will improve...but it won't happen immediately. For now they are stuck in a hole.

    Ball does nothing to help himself get out of it. Why should I?


  2. hendrikbkk28 January 2010 at 00:30
    Well, as you said, you are the older and more wiser one in this relation. You can encourage him to do other things then drinking.
    Why dont you teach him a bit of english, you did that before and enjoyed it.


    Ripley0128 January 2010 at 09:56
    you could take him out, do something that doesnt involve drinking. but doesnt he have friends his own age?


    TAO29 January 2010 at 02:28
    Lets see, everyone expects you to "harvest" Ball...probably even Ball himself.

    Lets be truthful, you yourself are probably torn between mixed feelings also.

    Its nice to take the highroad and say that he is too young and you are not interested but lets be truthful, if you were not attracted to him you would not have so much interest in his well being.

    You are trapped between the western concept of 'robbing the cradle' and infidelity to ones partner and then your own personal desires.

    So, what if you did 'harvest' Ball, gave him english lessons, and made some minor improvements in his standard of living wouldn't that be a win win situation?


    Bkkdreamer29 January 2010 at 04:30
    Thanks, Tao. I won't harvest him, because I am afraid of what might happen as a result.
    However, I can make small improvements to his life.

    I saw him and his family last night. I told them about my boyfriend; I had told Ball's Mum previously that I am living with Maiyuu.
    Last night they asked for more details.

    Ball looked jealous, though he denies it. He threatened to escort me back home, right into my condo, so he could inspect Maiyuu for himself.

    He did try to get me home, but was too drunk to walk straight, so I had to help him back to his place again. His Dad took me instead.

    You said:

    'You are trapped between the western concept of 'robbing the cradle' and infidelity to ones partner and then your own personal desires.'

    True. I don't want to visit more grief upon Maiyuu, as I have done this to him before.

    I really do want someone to love, as I suspect Maiyuu and work are not enough to make me truly happy.

    However, I am not prepared to put those things at risk for the sake of my friendship with Ball, as he's too young.

    I can help him in small ways, but I do not want to build up his expectations. I shall have to tread carefuilly.


    TAO29 January 2010 at 05:15
    I am glad you now have found that Ball is jealous....

    I figured what I said would not offend you because you knew all of this without saying.

    You realize that Maiyuu is committed to you for the rest of his life and you know that he will be there for you.

    But you find yourself committed to each other in a an odd dual existence reality: He goes his way and does his thing and you do the same.

    The passion, the love, the bonding seems to be replaced by a routine.

    Wait till you get told "..we are too old to kiss, we are too old to hold hands, we are too old to go out on a date...."

    It seems what westerners call 'love' is nothing more than a mating ritual that Asians seem to lose once they mate.

    What Ball kindles in you is the love, the passion, and the emotionalism that is lacking in your own relationship....

    Welcome to the perils of middle age and contentment!

    ...nothing like walking on the wild side and courting disaster.


    Bkkdreamer29 January 2010 at 08:02
    Thanks, again Tao. You said:

    'It seems what westerners call 'love' is nothing more than a mating ritual that Asians seem to lose once they mate.

    'What Ball kindles in you is the love, the passion, and the emotionalism that is lacking in your own relationship....'

    You are perceptive, and probably right. However, it is only a few years since I visited distress on my boyfriend after fooling around with another youngster. I don't want to go there again, so am trying to work out how I can keep seeing Ball socially, but avoid getting his hopes up.



  3. TAO29 January 2010 at 11:52
    Nothing perceptive about we say here, "Been there and done that..."

    After 25 years in a relationship with an Asian...well, count your blessings because Maiyuu cooks! :)

    All I hear is that we are too old to have romance in our green as the grass looks on the other side I wouldn't want to lose what I have now.

    What it lacks in excitment it makes up in depth.

    Not sure how I would handle living in BKK...


    Kevo3329 January 2010 at 12:00
    "and the more he imbibes, the more he appears to desire male affection"
    This sounds very familiar to some of the guys that come to my house every week to drink. Its very fun to watch straight guys get drunk and act gay. :P
    "I suspect Maiyuu and work are not enough to make me truly happy."
    I am feeling very similar to this lately with my Bf...Good luck , I know how you feel :(



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