Thursday, 25 March 2010

Boss lays down water heater regime

If I leave the water heater on now, I stand to get fined.

While I was out yesterday afternoon, Maiyuu affixed this notice to the bottom of the water heater in the bathroom.

I have a bad habit of leaving the heater on even when I am not using the shower.

Something in the box overheats or over-stresses, so the element burns out occasionally, and we have to get it fixed.

Now, I have been warned that if I continue leaving the heater switched on after a shower, I will be fined B200.

‘If you switch it on, please turn it off. If not, you’ll be fined B200,’ says the notice.

I have already forgotten to turn the thing off once since the notice went up – last night, before I went to work.

Maiyuu told me the grim news when I came home.

‘Please give me another day or so to get used to the new regime,’ I said.

1 comment:

  1. 4 comments:

    lance25 March 2010 at 10:39
    I like Ball's advice to mum...dont ask uncle for occasional beer from time to time is acceptable. I like that...see they like you for your "wit and humor" ...they are probably interested in all your stories of living with a Thai guy and of the West. Sooo you dont have to chip in for gas or subsidize this or are a friend to them. So hide a 500bt note in your wallet ...put small money in front and be more thai and say "i only have small money"...when you have to.

    Giving that 100bt to mums friend is very very asian


    Lee25 March 2010 at 13:57
    I havent commented on your blog before although I have been tempted to many times but I have been reading your blog for about two years now following the ups and downs and I have to say I find it enthralling, I didnt want to post as anonymous as my personal veiw is if you are going to be entirely complimentary then anomisity is fine but if you are going to enter a debate or critisize then I rather not be an unknown entity, either way if I were to comment from either side of the fence I wanted to not be faceless so after seeing the reaction and back and forwarding on yesterdays post I decided I had to join Google so I could be a part of it when I want.

    I am not really going to make a comment in this erm comment, I just wanted to show my face and say I enjoy your blog and find it amazing how you can write so honestly and candidly about your life in BKK, I do love to visit but unfortunately my line of work does not really allow me to stay in Thailand well it might if I improved my Thai but I only seem to practice in the month or so I get in the country a year.


    Anonymous25 March 2010 at 14:35
    I believe you can buy that type of water heater that has a timer.. so when you burn up the one you have.. and have to replace it.. look into it.


    Bkkdreamer25 March 2010 at 17:04
    Lance: I like Bal's advice to Mum too, though I would rather contribute in some more subsantial way than buying drink. By 'substantial', I don't mean in terms of the amount of money necessarily; I mean that enough of the stuff flows in those alleyways as it is. We can always find better ways to spend our money.

    Anon: Thank you for the advice on the water heater.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.