Saturday 12 February 2011

Curry tummy, Valentine's rejection, Mr Scrooge

My body weight teeters on the brink of 100kg.

Since Maiyuu bought an electronic set of weight scales last week, we have been weighing ourselves regularly.

Both his weight, and mine, has increased in the past week, probably as a result of his beef curry (pictured here), which we feasted on for several days.

He weighs just 54kg, up a couple of notches from the last time he stood on the scales.

I remember when I was 50kg, though it seems a long time ago now.

Valentine’s Day approaches, and we have no idea how to celebrate it.

I suggested to Maiyuu that I take him out to a small eatery I have found in the industrial-cum slum district in which I work.

A couple of hi-so workplaces employing many staff, including my own company, provide most of the customers.

The eatery would not look out of place in the tourist and business district of Silom, and yet here it is, defying the odds in one of the poorest areas of Bangkok.

I took a quick pre-work meal there last week, and liked the place. The food is good, the prices cheap, and I can ogle pictures of regular customers which they keep on the walls.

But Maiyuu can’t see the point.

‘I’d rather just make food for us to eat at home,’ he said.

I hope this doesn’t mean I will be expected to peel off another B500 note from my less than well-padded wallet, to give to Maiyuu in lieu of a Valentine’s gift, or any better idea of how to mark the occasion together.
How dull. I would rather get some fun out of the occasion too, not merely hand over cash for someone’s else’s enjoyment.

If I give money, Maiyuu can salt it away in the same place where he keeps the rest of his extensive savings.

Rather than put it a bank like most normal people, he keeps his savings in tantalising close proximity to myself, under lock and key in his bedroom.

I brood over his growing stash of cash it in those moments when I have run out of my own money, and consider how, one day when I am poor and destitute -  or perhaps just dead - my boyfriend will be a rich man.

1 comment:

  1. 7 comments:

    Anonymous11 February 2011 at 19:37
    You have reached the point of no return as regard your weight. How to get over it? Throw away the scale & hire a lousy cook! And start getting physical with your lover...right away!


    Michael Lomker11 February 2011 at 22:43
    rofl@Anon. I can definitely relate on the finances.


    Joyce Lau12 February 2011 at 00:30
    Hi BKK Dreamer -- Sorry I've been away from the blogosphere for so long. The presentation of Maiyuu's food looks better all the time!

    It's sweet that you want to take him out for Valentine's. Though home V-Day dinners are nice, too. (We do them sometimes since we both love to cook, and Hong Kong is even MORE overpriced than usual on holidays).

    But I hear you on the mandatory money-giving thing -- it happens to me every Chinese New Year. I have always been a generous person. I wouldn't never skip the tradition of giving "laisee" or cash gifts. But I think it's obnoxious when people call me IN ADVANCE to hint that it's time to give them money again.

    My husband's staff do this to him, too. On Chinese New Year, they burst into his office, hands out, obnoxious grins on their faces, without so much as a New Year's greeting (as he's a Westerner). I'm not saying Maiyuu is like that, just that it's awkward when a gift is expected / demanded.

    Maiyuu's thinking is actually very Asian and practical. Why spend money on a meal out when I can stash the cash at home? But it's not very romantic. I hope you can convince him to go out.

    Happy V Day!


    Bkkdreamer12 February 2011 at 06:29
    Anon: I'll ask him to make less fatty about that? Let's not get carried away!

    Joyce: It is good to hear from you again.

    Giving away money because this or that festival demands it sounds a bore, although it always makes Maiyuu happy, and that's half the fun.

    If I had to give away money to people who were ungrateful, I would start to resent it.


    Anonymous14 February 2011 at 06:51
    dr love know you been to see ball


    Anonymous15 February 2011 at 21:36
    i have read your blog since the seem like a decent chap that can be rather naive sometimes..i have enjoyed it very much..thank you for the write well

    but i believe that your weight is a reflection of animal and dairy and maiyu could be much more healthy and re-energized if you could lean towards a vegan diet...try 5 days a week...he is talented and it could be a challenge but in one year you could be a new man and so could maiyu...excercise will be come more easy...vegan is is medicine..your not healthy..brown stuff and your diet has caused ari skytrain exit great cheap vegan restaurant with several vendors...great healthy...maiyu can do it..fresh salads etc etc


    Bkkdreamer16 February 2011 at 07:43
    Thank you, but I think I would rather stay unhealthy, if unhealthy indeed I am, than go vegan. I get too hungry, even on a diet partially fuelled by meat products.

    I am exercising more, and eating sweet food less. Hopefully it will produce results.

    Thank you also for your praise of my blog. It is good to hear from long-term readers, especially those who have been around as long as you have - this blog turns five in a couple of months!



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