Monday 15 October 2007

Hair moments

From the short movie, The First Love
More than a year ago, I found a blog which most readers here will know: Gay Boy Thailand, by a man who calls himself Silom. I had not read a Thai gay blog before; his was my first. At his blog, I found a daily diary describing his life in Silom, and the comings and goings of his boyfriend, Chalerm.

I also found a Bangkok novel, which was no less addictive than his diary. I wrote to Silom to tell him how much I liked his blog, and his writing in general.

Since then, we have become regular email correspondents. Sometimes we swap notes on blogging. Other times we talk about our experience as foreigners living in Thailand.

Silom has praised my blog several times, which always gives me a welcome boost in readers. I have never mentioned his, because I always viewed my own blog as a mere understudy.

Since our first email contact, in the many messages we have exchanged since, he has taught me a great deal – about being a westerner in Thailand, about gay life, and the internet.

Silom has a sharp mind, and writes well. Most importantly for me, he is a good internet friend. His blog is here (link harvested - it died).

Inspired by his example, I want to try writing more often about my own boyfriend. As readers we are curious about each other’s daily lives, especially where they concern our Thai friends.

Until now I have generally avoided writing about the boyfriend unless I had something important to say. He just didn’t seem to be around enough. But after seeing him more often lately, and drawing closer to him over the last 12 months, I think it’s time he played a more active role in this blog.

Writing about him more often will force me to notice the small details in our lives, which I normally neglect. I could end up taking him for granted less – or annoying him even more with irritating questions.

I am happy to be guided by readers. If you don’t think it’s working, please let me know.

But with Silom’s inspiring example in mind, here is my first offering.

The boyfriend has gone out for a haircut. It has become so long and shapeless, he says, that the need to cut it is urgent. So, no taxi for him, as a taxi would only get stuck in early-evening traffic. As truly desperate measures are called for, he would have to ask a motorcycle taxi driver to take him.

When Maiyuu left, the sky was clear – but fifteen minutes later it poured with rain, as it has almost every day at this time for the last week.

I wonder if he made it, even on a motorcycle able to zig-zag through the cars waiting at traffic lights. Possibly not, in which case he will have to turn up wet at the hairdresser’s shop.

It takes Maiyuu a long time to prepare himself for such outings. He is rarely sure about what clothes to wear, and usually tries on several outfits before he is happy.

Today the outfit he decided on was a pair of white trousers, which look like jeans and are narrow on the legs. He wore them low on the waist, so that when he bent towards his make-up mirror I could see the crack of his bottom, and the top of his underwear.

I went over for a cuddle. ‘Go away, I have to leave!’ he said, brushing away my hand.

I asked Maiyuu not to cut his hair, as I like his hair when it gets long. It makes him look more fem. However, he says that when it gets too long, it loses its shape.

‘It is also falling out,’ he says.

‘In that case, why not just leave it to fall out…then you won’t need to cut it,’ I offered.

His hair is not actually long – it’s just not as short as usual. It is long down the back of his neck, and across his forehead. However, it would not sweep in front of his eyes if I was brave enough to brush it across his face.

My own hair is getting long, for someone who wears his hair as short as a sailor. Maiyuu usually cuts it for me at this time of the week. I shall have to ask him tomorrow, as he is too busy tonight. After he finishes at the hair stylist, he plans a visit to Pantip plaza, to look for a new screen for the home computer.

The present screen does not go with the hard-drive, which was bought more recently. When I turn on the computer, the screen blinks. I have to turn on the VDU again to get a normal picture. Last week the screen went blank, so Maiyuu took the hard-drive in for repairs.

This is the second time in six months that it has needed fixing. Power outages supposedly cause the problem in the hard-drive, which costs B12,000 to fix each time. However, I suspect the incompatibility of the VDU might also contribute. So Maiyuu and I have decided to buy a new one.


  1. hi! nice to hear that SF and you are in contact. god, both of your blogs are on the top of my list to read everyday since coming to bangkok. you're both doing an excellent job. keep it up.

    and great to see that you're getting more, ehem, personal. :-)

  2. Is your home computer either a Macintosh or some sort of laptop unit? The remedies you state don’t otherwise really match the symptoms you describe. And any brand new Western Digital hard drive smaller than 400 GB should cost you under B3,000 at Pantip Plaza, vs. the B12,000 to repair!

  3. Nice compliments about GayboyThailand... I been reading SF blog for over a year I think and love yours as I saw the link sometime ago


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