Friday 23 November 2007

Love of Siam - reaction (part 2, final)

Ma-Deaw (pictured) maintains Love of Siam is still not a gay movie - at least, not in the same vein as Poj Anon's gay drama, Friends (Bangkok Love Story). He included only so much gay content as was necessary to make an 'impact' on audiences.

One Pantip poster said that when he saw the film, audience members united in a way he has never seen before - shouting words of encouragement when the boys were about to kiss.

The love scene, such as it is, is discreet. It is not in-your-face gay. Most of the scenes between the boys comprise understanding looks.

Another viewer says he sympathises with people who feel they were misled. They bought a ticket expecting a feel-good straight teen romance, but ended up with gay love story and teary and at times heavy family drama.

However, he says audiences need not feel upset - especially if they go to a cinema preparing to watch a story about love in all its forms, without pulling down the shutters whenever they encounter a kind of love which they have pre-judged.

One young man said he was starting to have doubts about himself, he felt so moved by the gay relationship between Tong and Music.

Another young man who went to the cinema expecting to see a conventional teen romance, but was shocked when first the male leads lost interest in the girls around them...then started making eyes at each other...and finally, when they kissed. My God, he said to his friends - we're watching a gay film!

Postscript: The best piece I have seen on the movie, which looks in detail at the themes of love it explores, is by this award-winning Thai blogger (Thai only).

1 comment:

  1. There's such a lack of gay role models out there in film- this kind of film is sooooooo important to young men like the one whose post you mentioned.


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