Sunday 3 February 2008

Playing dress-ups

Writing about kathoey Bic, as I was the other day, reminds me of the fashion shows she used to hold at our place.

In those days Bic, a university student, lived in the same condo as us, but chose our place to hold the shows because it was bigger than her own, which she stuffed with her Thai boyfriend, and a large collection of pet animals.

Bic often brought with her a straight girl who visited her in the afternoons after study had ended.

One time, joined by my Thai boyfriend Maiyuu, they tried on girl's clothes.

Maiyuu, I thought, looked good in high heels and mini-skirt. He has a collection of high heels, including one traditional hand-stitched pair which sits on a shelf in his room as a decorative item, when he is not wearing them.

Sometimes he gets around home in just his underwear and women's shoes, perhaps because he likes the feel of himself tottering away on high heels. On the day his friends called, he also tried on one of the girls' bras.

Bic showed me her new silicone breasts. She has not had her penis done, but still looks lovely in her underpants, if a little thin.

'Do I look ugly?' she asked.

'No, you look beautiful,' I said.

My place has hosted a few such shows - on some occasions, as many as 10 or 15 young people took part.

One time, a group came to rehearse for a lip-sync cabaret contest at the Or Tor Kor nightspot in Bangkok.

They were competing for a job. The winner would have been given permanent work singing at a nightclub there. No one won a place, but they did have fun.

On another occasion, students rehearsed for a fashion show. They strutted up and down, pretending they were on a catwalk. The show was held at their university.

Maiyuu did the make-up and hair. While the girls and kathoey contestants waited their turn, they dressed up, puffed madly on cigarettes, and sprayed perfume about the place.

A few hours later, they were ready. Amid the excited click-clack of platform shoes and nervous squeals, they hopped into taxis and hit the town.

I don't know how well they fared. But failing to get a place in whatever show they entered failed to dent their enthusiasm, for a few months later, they would enter themselves in another competition, and play dress-ups again.

Those colourful days are over, as Bic has now graduated from university, left this condo, and gone back to her home province to live.

Still, they were fun while they lasted.

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