Saturday 22 March 2008


When almost all members of a large family end up as gay, lesbians, toms, or some other non-conventional sexual strain, does it suggest that people regard turning queer as a mere lifestyle choice rather than something that can fundamentally change your life?

Thai parents put up resistance like anyone else when their children show signs of wanting to be different sexually...but after the first child turns gay, then the second, and so on, they probably get sick of fighting. In fact, they might even be surprised if their other offspring turn out conventionally.

Writing at the Pantip webboard, one woman talked about the sexual diversity in her extended family.

Her nephews are aged about 30, and both gay. The family knew they were gay from the time they turned 15. Their mother, the poster's aunt, is a lesbian.

Another aunt also had two children. One was a tom, and once again the rest of the family knew she would turn out to be different from the age of about 15, when the girl refused to wear a dress.

Today she owns a successful import business, and lives with her lesbian partner of 18 years.

One of the poster's uncles has three children. The oldest is a lesbian, the middle one a 'normal' boy, and the youngest, another boy, is gay.

The poster says she herself has a son, aged 14 months. If he turns out to be gay, she is sure her husband will accept him. All his parents ask is that he not abandon them, and that he grow up to be a kind and contributing member of society.

1 comment:

  1. I immensely enjoy your posts about topics derived from Pantip posts, keep it up. ;)


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