Thursday 16 October 2008

Unpaid bills

Today is pay day. I was the first to wake, as I usually am. I turned on the computer and found I could get no internet.

I tried the phone. A recorded message told me that service had been suspended. Without a phone line, we could get no internet either.

I recall getting a call from the phone company a few days ago, warning us the bill was due to be paid.

I found the phone bill, which was unopened. It had been sitting at home since Sept 2, when it arrived.

A payment of B850 was due on Sept 27. It is now two weeks later. No wonder the phone company gave up. They suspended our service, to make sure we paid.

I woke the boyfriend, and told him the phone service had been suspended. He left home in good spirits, to pay the bill, buy groceries, and do other household jobs.

By the time he returned, service to our phone line had also been restored, so I could use the internet.

That was a relief. I had feared they could keep us waiting for days.

If someone issues a bill, it's usually because he wants to be paid.

Maiyuu has been sitting at home watching movies all day for weeks. He could have at least opened the thing.

I don't want to turn into one of those grannies in the West who opens her bill, circles the due date, pays it days in advance, then worries about whether they will get her payment or whether they will cut her service inexplicably.

But nor can I understand this lackadaisical Thai attitude about paying bills and keeping the household running.

A bill? So what. Let 'em wait.


  1. "But nor can I understand this lackadaisical Thai attitude. A bill? So what. Let 'em wait."

    The Thais must have picked this up from Mexicans...ever hear of "manana"?

    It's not universal in Thai people either. The two guys that live in my place there held the fort for almost 10 months in my absence. No cut=offs no late carrying charge payments, no weird/nasty looks from my neighbors. Given that my Bangkok residence's concrete facade is falling apart and landing on the store canopies, I kind of see your point.

    Look, he shops, cooks, fixes things, guides you around and looks nice, nearing thirty the die is cast, some stuff you'll have to do yourself.


  2. A couple of things.. If you did not have the money to pay it, why bother opening it? Secondly, why didn't you open it? As another person commented, he shops, cooks, fixes things and guides you around. Plus! is eye candy around the house.. Sorry to sound rude, but get off your butt mate, or you want him to wipe that for you to?

  3. Never let it be said that I censor dissenting opinion on this blog!

  4. Don't get me wrong, love reading your blog, and about you and your b/f.. I was in a relationship with a guy for 25 years and know it was a matter of give and take, and like you, there were times i had a good bitch to. So I do apologize for the last sentence of my previous comment, it was rude of me. But, it is what I think at times when I read your blog.
    Good luck with everything.

  5. Perhaps I should have added that it is the BF's job to pay the bills. That's one of the obligations he undertakes when he accepts responsibility for my ATM card.

    Did you ever give your guy guy custody of your ATM card, Chris?

  6. Yes, as a matter of fact, he had custody of my whole pay.. we only ever had a joint account. Including joint amex card. But we worked together to make sure the bills were paid.. Neither one of us was soley responsible for bill paying.


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