Sunday 23 November 2008

Growing tummies

Todd and Benz are an item. I know sweet-faced Todd, but I barely know his fem boyfriend Benz.

I met Todd, a friend of my boyfriend Maiyuu, as I was entering the condo.

It was 11pm, when gays in our building must go out to buy food for their partners. My boyfriend Maiyuu had been out shortly before to buy food for me.

Todd has filled out again and looks well, after going through a thin, gaunt-looking patch a few months ago when he developed a lung infection.

He was wearing long-legged basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

'How is Benz?' I asked.

I see Benz waiting for a bus often, opposite our condo. He is tall, lanky and shy.

'Benz is okay...but he has a cold, so I am going out to buy food for him.'

'Is Benz a fussy eater?' I asked, thinking of how thin he looks.

'No, but he doesn't eat much.'

I rubbed Todd's tummy.

'You look good,' I said.

He rubbed mine.

'Do you have a baby in there?' he asked, and laughed.

I have put on weight, which the boyfriend tells me he will help me lose.

'I will stop baking cakes and pies. And no more fried bacon and cheese sandwiches either,' he volunteered yesterday.

'But you can keep giving me the same amount of food money as before.'

'I can't sleep if I go to bed hungry,' I complained.

'Never mind...we can keep some vegetables and fruit close to your bed. When you get hungry, just roll over and eat some,' he said.

'That sounds unappetising,' I said.

Years ago, Maiyuu and I travelled with Todd and a group of our Thai friends to Sataheep in Chon Buri. Back then, Todd was stressed with work. He smoked and drank heavily.

We stayed at a large hospitality home on a naval base. I rubbed his back for him and told him I hoped he would feel better soon.

Judging by his appearance last night, he is a much happier young man now. Next time I will give him another tummy rub just to make sure.

I am still looking for a Thai guy to put in the banner of this blog. Loyal reader Ian has sent me a selection of pictures, as have another couple of readers.

Over the next couple of weeks I shall post them. I will post each image for a few days then change it.

If you like a particular picture, feel free to leave a comment. You can use the shout box in the sidebar, if you like, so we get all the responses in one place.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you illustrate your story of self indulgence with images of guys who have probably never had a tummy in their lives. Let these lean hunks be your role models. And the BF is right - no more cakes before bedtime. - Ian


Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.