Friday 15 May 2009

Tasty daily dramas

This blog is popular with readers when relations between my boyfriend and I are at a low ebb.

Readers like hearing about my difficulties with Maiyuu...the terrible things he does to me, the inept way I respond. Well, that's how many readers appear to view our relationship problems.

Regardless of who is the real mover and shaker in our relationship, my blog tracker tells me that for many readers, this blog is a more interesting read when Maiyuu and I are in the middle of some crisis.

The number of daily visitors spikes. When we are getting along well, reader interest falls.

It seems that I cannot make both go well at the same time. When my relationship with Maiyuu is ticking along happily, as it is at the moment - no fights, ructions - my blog slumps.

It becomes a poor, lacklustre, uninteresting lump of a thing, at least for those readers interested in the daily dramas of our lives. No drama, no fun!

Since my latest disagreement with Maiyuu over his unauthorised purchase of an I-Phone abated, readership has steadily declined.

I am now 200 readers a day lighter than I was at the peak of the drama, when thousands of readers visited my blog every day.

Okay, I exaggerate about the thousands of readers. Even so, it has still dropped.

Bangkok bloggers are a precious lot when it comes to disclosing their readership. None wants anyone to know how poorly read we are.

If a blogger wants to boast about a readership increase - and he will never tell us about a readership slump - he will invariably give us the percentage rise, without an accompanying raw figure.

Without the raw figure, the percentage rise is meaningless, even misleading.

That's the intention, of course. Bloggers who resort to such sleights of hand want us to think they are uber well-read.

'My blog readership increased 200% today!'

That's great, love - from two a day to six?

I want my readership to revive. However, I am also enjoying this recent improvement in my usually turbulent relations with Maiyuu. Which one do I value more? I give you one guess.


  1. 18 comments:

    Was Once15 May 2009 at 08:29
    Stand By...Our favorite show,
    Desperate Househusbands
    will continue!


    Aaron C. Yeagle15 May 2009 at 09:28
    Such is the way of life ... we humans are always attracted to danger and sad drama. Why? In many instances its jealousy ... he and May are in love, oh thats so sweet, I hate them cuz I don't have that, oh look, trouble! let's watch him fail and be more like us! Or, its the "I'm glad that's not me" syndrome like when everyone gawps at an accident. Personally, I like everything you write ... of course, its envy ... I wish I was like you ... beautiful younger lover in a different environment with a home of your own.


    neil15 May 2009 at 11:32
    I prefer the post that are happy. Also the snips of day to day life. Like the stories of sitting by the canal with the kids jumping off to amuse the tourist.

    I shy away from the drama and celebrity gossipy.

    My life has plenty drama. I need to escape from reality.


    Glenn15 May 2009 at 12:15
    yeah, I think you have to do what makes you happy in life. Why do you care how many people read your blog? I always figured blogs were mostly like personal diaries open to the world. You write it for yourself, not so much for your "audience".

    Who's the handsome, sad boy in the black velvet couch?


    Orn15 May 2009 at 17:54
    Hey I enjoy reading all of your entries..drama or no drama I still read..

    But I couldn't agree with you more, my blog stats tells me the same thing.. I think the majority of people are more interested in drama..the more scandalous the material..the more people read and comment..

    on a nice post..people don't give a ratass

    I don't know why..maybe it's human nature.


    Anonymous15 May 2009 at 18:32
    I like it when you get along.
    You always say that you are old, but you are not!! You've got a long way to go yet!!


    Anonymous15 May 2009 at 19:14
    ... not to worry.. Thai's are unpredictable, unstable, moody, manipulative and inscrutable. You just keep telling us what's going on.. and soon enough your readers will return.


  2. Asia in Australia16 May 2009 at 01:15
    got the hint, thanks! I may not be well-read, but have more than 2 readers:)


    Asia in Australia16 May 2009 at 01:16
    by the way. I like your pieces on thais and your condo-life. It gives the people a feel of taking part in your life.

    Im less keen on the newest martha stewart recipes though...It's a shame Maiyuu doesnt cook Thai food though...


    Bkkdreamer16 May 2009 at 02:53
    Was Once: I can always rely on Maiyuu to create a crisis or drama mind you, he'd say the same about me). He'll be back before long.

    Neil: I'll try to write happy stuff as well. The challenge is to make it interesting.

    Glenn: If I wrote for an audience of one - myself - it wouldn't be worth reading, and certainly shouldn't be in a public forum.

    Orn, Anon: Human nature indeed. Most of us love a bit of gossip or drama.

    BB: I wasn't referring your blog, actually...I was thinking about another Bkk blogger who works in the media and is no stranger to promoting himself. As a journalist, he should know better than to resort to such trickery, even if his job also requires him to wear a marketing hat.


    Bkkdreamer16 May 2009 at 07:27
    Incidentally, Maiyuu does make Thai food. I just haven't posted any pictures here.


    BODYholic17 May 2009 at 07:34
    "'My blog readership increased 200% today!'

    That's great, love - from two a day to six?"

    Are you referring to me? 555 Juz kidding.

    I am one of the 200 that didn't show up the last few days. I have a reason and it has nothing to do with your relationship with Maiyuu.

    I torn my PC apart and did some housekeeping. And just yesterday, I also replaced a new gfx card so that the boys from your blog could look brighter and better (not that they are bad before). *slurp*


    Bkkdreamer17 May 2009 at 08:01
    Welcome back. I hope the gfx card also improves the look of Maiyuu's food creations, as I appear to post more food pics these days than I do guy pics.

    I hope it's not a sign of fading libido that I am suddenly more interested in food than I am in guys.


  3. Kevo3317 May 2009 at 08:20
    I am also one of the 200 that hasnt been showing sorry!
    I had a deadline to meet to get a new tenant moved in, and i still had to finish re-building their room!
    So, several long days and many energy drinks later, I am back to read your blog!


    lyn17 May 2009 at 11:03
    "yeah, I think you have to do what makes you happy in life. Why do you care how many people read yourblog? I always figured blogs were mostly like personal diaries open to the world. You write it for yourself, not so much for your "audience"."

    You forget, popularity is addictive.

    I make it known how many people are visiting my

    M, ever thought about getting a stat chart?

    It's tiring trying to please people, so I don't do it. I do what I want, if they don't like it, then suck it. I'm not getting paid for this, well I am, but not well. Damn you Adsense!


    Bkkdreamer18 May 2009 at 03:41
    Lyn, I used to have a sitemeter, too, but that was back in the days when my blog pulled so few readers it was hardly worth checking.

    You have had terrific readership ever since you started your blog (if memory serves me correctly), so you are lucky.

    However, I admire the fact that, good readership or not, you write whatever you please. I go through phases when I do the same.

    Some stories, I post because I know readers will like them.

    Others, such as the recent ones on the Seven Divas which almost no one remarked on, I write because I want to get the material out there.
    If they strike a cord with readers, great. If not, never mind, as I felt they were important stories to tell at the time.


    Bkkdreamer18 May 2009 at 03:42
    Kevo33: Welcome back. So you need energy drinks to read this blog?

    I need them to write it. My energy drink of choice is whisky.


    Kevo3319 May 2009 at 11:34
    No i meant it took lots of energy drinks to finish the work on my house :P
    Whiskey is a great "energy" drink, but i prefer caffeine when getting work done :P



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.