Thursday 14 May 2009

Feeling old, pecan pie, Thai helpmate

Boyfriend Maiyuu is making old man's noises in the kitchen. Oooh! he says. Aaaah!

I hope he does not feel as old as he sounds. Only one of us is entitled to feel that old around here, and that's me. Maiyuu is just 31, and can wait his turn.

I suspect he is merely mimicking me.

I like to complain that I feel old. I am in my early 40s, but always feel tired.

Maiyuu denies I am old. He just says I like to act that way.

Maiyuu has been to the Carrefour store in Pra Ram 4 four or five times this week. On the latest visit, he found a pack of rolled pastry which he needed to make a pecan and chocolate pie.

Maiyuu saw the pastry on a visit early in the week, but the other day, when we went together, they had sold out. On today's visit they had restocked, so he bought a pack. He has now made his pecan pie, and taken a picture, which I shall post here tomorrow.

Last night, on a shopping trip to Silom, he found a pastry cutter. I had asked him to buy a Thai magazine, Koo Sang Koo Som (Helpmate), as I have nothing to read. He brought back one of those too.

I go through phases when I like that magazine. I last quit reading it about two months ago, as it became too dull. I should have stuck by my decision.

The latest edition is rubbish - a waste of my precious B20. The magazine, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary, appeals to women. The latest copy contains articles on etiquette, Tom Cruise, love between couples... I haven't yet found the ubiquitous Thai ghost story, but I'm sure it's in there.

1 comment:

  1. 7 comments:

    Was Once14 May 2009 at 21:45
    Don't worry you and I are our parents.


    bobsaigon14 May 2009 at 22:07
    A couple of years ago, I started feeling tired most of the time. Turned out it was a symptom of diabetes (I'm in my late 60's). Not suggesting that you have disbetes, but you might feel a little less tired if you take vitamins, maybe a daily dose of Centrum Silver (from Boots). Living in the tropics as we do can be more demanding physically than in temperature climates. Cheers.


    Anonymous14 May 2009 at 22:32
    It's called virapause. Our sisters call it menopause.


    Anonymous14 May 2009 at 22:42
    Tom who? Oh I remember him, a youngster about your age. - Ian


    Bkkdreamer15 May 2009 at 08:59
    I have thought about vitamins. However, I don't want to end up so bouncy and energetic after taking them that I can't enjoy an old man's afternoon nap.


    Aaron C. Yeagle15 May 2009 at 09:23
    what about pictures of the two of you?
    I am 46 and I feel old. You should feel wonderful that you have a beautiful and loving lover/husband/partner and live where you do. My life is dull and drab as my waistline begins to match my age and I have not had a bf in over a decade.


    Orn15 May 2009 at 17:42
    Yes vitamins!! I was about to tell u the same thing as Bob..but not the diabetes..

    About a year ago I used to be tired all the time too..then i had a blood test and it turned out I had low iron and needed to take vitamins...

    Now I'm taking them and I feel so much better! I even started drinking antioxidant drinks...taking vitamins for skincare and those nature's gift coffee and now I feel great! apparently I look better too!



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