Monday 27 July 2009

Rich man's dogs

When we walk outdoors, Maiyuu takes the lead.

Every so often he will signal with his hand for me to move off the road to avoid traffic coming up from behind (he has eyes in the back of his head, or at least better ears than I do) - or to avoid dog poo, which is everywhere in Bangkok.

‘Why do these wealthy types who raise dogs around here let them poo on the footpath and the road?’ he asked.

‘They don’t want it in their front yard,’ I said.

Before 8am today we walked to the local 7-11 to pay the internet bill which Maiyuu had forgotten the month before. The last day for payment had passed, so that when I turned on the computer this morning I found the internet had been cut off.

After paying the bill we visited a small morning market on Pra Ram 4. This evening we shall visit another collection of stalls, closer to home. This part of town is good for markets, places where we can buy snacks and odds and ends.

We squeezed through crowds to make our way past the stalls. Many people were dressed for work or school.

As I watched the young Thais bustling around me, I caught a glimpse of myself as a new arrival in this land nine years ago, when everything looked so mysterious and exciting.

These days, in my bad moments, it is just another place to live. Instead of looking for fun outdoors or in the company of strangers, I amuse myself in other ways, by putting my energy into work or the boyfriend instead.

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