Thursday 20 August 2009

Old food versus new food

When I walked in from work, I found Maiyuu dicing vegetables, always a good sign that another delicious meal is on the way.

However, the meal he had made me before I left for the office - sweet-and-sour fish on rice - was still in my backpack, as I didn't have time to eat it.

What to do?

When I bring uneaten food home, I try to sneak it into the fridge before he notices.

Being spoilt and over-indulged, I would rather have Maiyuu make me a new dish before bed, rather than reheat the meal he made for me earlier.

A new meal is always fresher, and I don’t want him to get indolent in front of the TV when he could be cooking for me.

However, on one of his journeys to the fridge while he fussed in the kitchen, he must have seen the sweet and sour pork dish despite my efforts to squirrel it away.

‘Do you want to heat that up?’ he asked quickly.

Yes, he was cutting up food in the kitchen, but that was merely ‘preparation’ for dishes he intended to make the next day.


One of Maiyuu’s persistent complaints is that I won’t eat ‘old’ food; I always want whatever he’s preparing in the kitchen now.

I looked at him.

‘Okay, I’ll cook,’ he said unhappily.

Chef Maiyuu made me ham, egg and tomato rice dish before bed, rather than insisting I eat the other dish.

Good. He had done nothing all night while I was at work. We do not live in a hotel. Everyone must pull his weight.

I am disappointed to hear that a six-hour fast in the afternoons will not cut my weight.

Loyal reader Fran left the following message in response to Monday’s fasting post:
'I hate to disappoint you but not eating for 6 hours a day will not result in weight loss. You must decrease your total daily caloric intake; a period of a few hours with low glycemia is not enough.’
I shall have to stop eating high calorie food instead, starting with the banana cupcakes which illustrated that post.

I have eaten just one of them; Maiyuu took the rest to a woman friend, who wants to learn baking with Maiyuu. I don’t know where they will do it together, as Maiyuu is reluctant to invite anyone home.

‘I don’t want the bother,’ he said, when I ask why he never has friends around.

We also have a full bowl of home-made ice-cream in the fridge, which I would love to eat but have forbidden myself from doing so.

A box of donuts, which Maiyuu bought in Silom, also sit neglected on the kitchen table.

Well, neglected in a sense, as I notice he is still eating them, even if I am not.

I just look at them, and wish he’d get through them sooner. Then we could throw the box away, and I could forget they were ever there.

1 comment:

  1. 4 comments:

    Takashi20 August 2009 at 08:39
    You know you shouldn't waste food and you shouldn't skip meals to lose weight.

    Skipping meals will make you rbody thought it's on hunger deficit and will start burning muscle first, fat is burnt last.

    And appreciate he painstakingly cook for you every meal. You should at least eat the food and not leave it or throw it away.


    Anonymous20 August 2009 at 19:31
    Hey Ian, where u get my pics? (I'm the guy being eaten on). the pics were for a restaurant ad, but i don't think they were used. Was it model mayhem? no problem at all, just wondering where on the net they came from? thanks,


    simonlover22 August 2009 at 09:03
    Really lurve the couple-eating pics! Hehehe..Sometimes it's nice to see pics with themes rather than seeing half-naked pics without any meaning/teasers rite? =)


    Anonymous22 August 2009 at 13:36
    Sorry anon but I've been away from home for a couple of days and just saw your message. I found your images in a couple of places - one was model mayhem, the other was the Think in English, Count in Chinese blog. I can't remember which I selected the images from. Probably MM
    Nice table, messy eater.:) - Ian



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.