Monday 28 September 2009

Flirtatious watch, market spend-up, cute car dreams

Maiyuu and I bought food at the market...enough for two days, he assures me.

The market is about 10 minutes’ walk from home and opens twice a week. Stall-holders set up on a large piece of vacant land next to a dormitory.

Maiyuu walks in front, as the space between the rows of stalls is narrow. I call out when I see something which appeals. Tonight it was fish.

Maiyuu turned up his nose at most of my choices. ‘It doesn’t look tasty enough,’ he said. Or: ‘Not fresh enough.’

I trust his judgement, as Thais know their food.

One vendor was selling minced chicken, cooked in red curry powder. Yum. I about to call out when I felt Maiyuu’s firm arm on mine, pulling me away.

‘That’s enough! We'll have no space left in the fridge.’

‘We should buy a small car,’ Maiyuu announced, as we were trudging towards the market.

A cute red Mini passed us, but they are expensive, so we considered other makes.

‘A Proton from Malaysia – they are cute too,’ said Maiyuu.

Cuteness rather than reliability is the crucial factor for us – though I would add another condition, that Maiyuu also learns how to drive.

‘Of course I’ll take lessons – how else will we get around?’ he asked, as if I was stupid.

‘What about your teeth?’ I asked. We are saving to get his teeth done, so the car might have to wait.

‘We will make saving for the car a project for next year,’ he said.

I put on my watch before I went out. Lately I have been feeling frisky. If I see a wristwatch on a man, it tells me he is available.

If I see a young man outdoors without a watch, particularly if he is in the company of someone, I know he is probably settled, and not looking. Why wear a watch, if you have a boyfriend and are not trying to impress?

I rarely put on my watch when I venture into our neighbourhood, unless I am going to work. Tonight I did slip it on, because I am feeling restless and want to meet new people.

The leather strap is fraying at the edges, as is the body wearing it, but with darkness gathering outside, hopefully no one would be able to tell.

I paused. ‘Will the boyfriend notice if I put on my watch?’ I wondered.

Outside, I put my worries to rest. My boyfriend was himself wearing a watch, a smart one with a silver band. Maybe he’s on the prowl too.

1 comment:

  1. 4 comments:

    Glenn28 September 2009 at 15:08
    Is the watch thing a euphemism for something else? I have never heard that before.


    Anonymous28 September 2009 at 22:35
    In the 70s, it used to be coloured handkerchiefs in the back pocket. But Im sure the code has evolved since then.
    The model isn't Vasan, that's the name of the photographer I believe. I have many images by "vasan", all different guys. He simply ruins the images by sticking his name prominently all over them, like Man of the Rose. - Ian


    Bkkdreamer29 September 2009 at 18:33
    Thank you, Ian. I have amended the text.


    Anonymous30 September 2009 at 09:03
    l live 2 minutes from BMW where the Mini is made. Round here every third car is cute Mini. l want a PINK one. l use to work for them and even with discount l couldn't afford one. They hold their value too so second hand Mini's are out of my reach!! :(
    Wilko x
    Ps The factory has real Mini's on the outside wall. Maybe l could nick one. lol



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