Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Keep it down, please

Leaving Mum's shop to get a taxi, I passed a table where two gays were sitting. One is a new face, but the other is becoming a regular. I heard the regular one say to his friend, 'gay saow' (เกย์สาว).

I wonder if he was referring to me. I hope not, as I don't want to look obvious.

A gay saow is a gay who behaves in a feminine manner. It can also refer to a gay who likes being on the receiving end, otherwise known as a 'rab' (รับ).

The guy who uttered those terrible words is a student, who usually drinks with a many friends. I have not spoken to him, as he looks too haughty and hi-so for me.

Last night, he turned up alone, and spent the first 30 minutes with his ear stuck to a telephone.

Mum had asked him if he wanted to join our table, where three farang, including me, were sitting. He declined. Too scary, perhaps.

He talks too much, and is one of those guys who insists on being the life of the party. When friends walk past, he springs to his feet and makes a big fuss. He is a young man on the make, and it is unpleasant to watch.

I ignored his comment, and kept walking. He may have been giving his friend what he thought was a simple description.

Still, it was unpleasant. He hardly acts like a real man himself, so should keep his voice down.


  1. "All Thai guys are rup?" What a silly comment. That's like saying that only women have straight sex. If the Thai guys are all bottoms, how do any of them have sex?

  2. Before you get on your high horse, I didn't say they all were. I said most were. I know of a couple of rooks (tops) myself, who are in the same relationship together. Because they can't satisfy each other's needs, they must go out on Saturday nights separately, to find their own entertainment.

    Most Thais are bottoms, as even a cursory read of gay academic literature or a survey of your own friends will tell you.


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