Monday 17 September 2007

AF4: Dream cut short

Pit, in his steward's uniform
The illl-fated flight crew

Flight steward ‘Pit’ Pittaya Wongwandi, who loved to sing and hoped to get into the entertainment industry, had his dreams tragically cut short when he died in yesterday’s plane crash at Phuket airport.

He has a twin brother, ‘Wit’. Together the pair vied for a place in the fourth season of the Academy Fantasia reality contest, which aired recently. They were unsuccessful - but in his twin brother, Pit's dream lives on.

Today Wit travels back from Britain to attend funeral rites for his brother. ‘I would like his spirit to enter my soul, so we can chase our dreams together,’ he said.

Young Pit (พิท พิทยา ว่องวันดี), who also enjoyed writing, made it into the last 50 contestants vying for a place. In the end, 20 were chosen to enter AF House. After missing out on his dream of joining AF House, he entered the aviation industry as an air steward.

He joined the ill-fated One-Two-Go flight from Bangkok to Phuket as a trainee steward.

His body was found on the plane, which broke into two and burst into flames after veering off the runway in wet and windy conditions at Phuket airport. Eighty-nine people on board, including Pit, were killed.


  1. Thats really sad, and for sure all the ppl in the accident had their own amazing story

  2. Bkk Dreamer:

    I'm so sorry to hear about Pit's death. May his gentle soul rest in peace.


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