Tuesday 26 February 2008

Lazy ironing bug

I can now count seven items of unironed clothing on a clothes rack in my condo. They hang there, taunting me, waiting for me to iron them.

They include T-shirts in bright colours of yellow and pink, shorts, collared shirts. The T-shirts are the easiest, followed by the collared shirts.

Baggy shorts with pockets on the legs are harder to iron, because the fabric is thicker. They are hanging there too.

Finally, there are a couple of pairs of casual trousers, which I wear to work. There are a pain to iron, too, because the legs are long.

Since coming back from overseas I have been gripped by a lazy ironing malaise. It does not help having my place in a shambles, a state it has been in since we started decorating it.

Every morning, I put a pile of unironed clothes on the bed, as an invitation to self to iron them. The rest hang opposite the bed on a large portable clothes rack, which I can wheel into the other room when the sight of all those unironed clothes gets annoying. Out of sight, out of mind.

In the five minutes or so it has taken me to write this story about ironing, I could have made a valiant start. The longer I leave it, the larger the pile becomes.

I washed a new load of clothes only yesterday. Soon, they will be dry and I can add them to the pile; what a cheery thought.

Anyone want a job as a casual clothes ironer?

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