Sunday 17 February 2008

Thai home decorator (1)

After 10 days away, I have returned to Bangkok-style chaos in my own home.

One room has a fresh coat of paint, the other not. One room has most of a new floor laid - save for the bits which my Thai boyfriend reckons he will paste on himself.

Furniture from the room with the new floor and coat of paint has been piled into the room where painting has yet to start. I must beat a path to the fridge, past chairs, tables, baskets, books and other clutter.

My boyfriend has been decorating.

The room with the new paint job now boasts a soothing colour which my Thai boyfriend Maiyuu terms 'blueberry yoghurt' - with sky blue trimmings around the windows and door frames. It looks gay, but then Maiyuu is a creative type.

I have been away to see my parents and family in the West. Before leaving, Maiyuu and I decided to get the floor in one room replaced, and both rooms of our condo decked out in a new coat of paint.

We have been here for years, and it was time we did it up. Under our plan, tradesmen would do the work, under Maiyuu's supervision, while I was away.

Maiyuu visited a hardware store which sells floor coverings and paint, and obtained quotes.  Everything looked promising, as I set off on my trip. With luck, it would all be done by the time I came back.

Maiyuu said he would supervise the work himself. 'It is not your problem,' he told me, as we took a taxi to the airport.

When I left, I knew few details. I did not know who was doing the work, where Maiyuu hired them, what colour paint he had chosen, or what floor covering had taken his fancy. He told me how much was needed, and I left the money with him.

'They are coming a day after you leave - but you don't need to know any more,' he said. 'Try not to worry.'

now, see part 2


  1. Here's betting that he did all the work himself (sloppily) and pocketed the money that was supposed to go to the workmen himself...

  2. Nice to see you back!!

  3. Thank you. It is good to be back, even if I can hardly find my way around home any more.


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