Thursday 20 March 2008

Thai mismatch

I saw a beautiful young man - tall, slender, with a tapering Chinese-style face - in the market where I live.

He was sitting at a moo gra-ta eatery with open sides.

It employs attractive male staff.

They go bare-chested during the day while they are cleaning and preparing the place for its evening opening. Occasionally I watch them from the sidewalk.

From there, I won't look suspicious. I can pretend to wait for traffic to ease before crossing the road in front of the place.

Inside the eatery, the football was playing on a large white television screen. No one was watching. In fact, the place was almost empty.

I stood outside, pretending to watch the football, while quietly admiring the boy with the Chinese looks.

He was sitting with the plainest of girls...a wallflower.

As she sat silently, he was fiddling around with something on his plate. In fact, he was so absorbed in the detail of what he was doing that I thought he might be gay.

Not so. Straight young men can obsess over details, too. Fiddly engine parts come to mind.

If he wanted a girl with pleasing looks, he could have done much better. As for Miss Patsy, I bet she couldn't believe her luck.

Sometimes the process of natural selection - where the best looking boys and girls end up with each other, because they can afford to be choosy - goes wrong.

Where does that leave gays? Perhaps we end up with the rest.

Of course he would be straight, the pessimist in me says. He's too handsome to let those good looks go to waste on men. Loving women is more fun, right?

If that's the case, then, why did this couple look so mismatched? Maybe she has the patience and virtue of an angel, while he, despite having dreamy looks, has yet to grow up.

Other girls might be happy for Miss Patsy to do all the hard work, turning this young man into eligible boyfriend material. Then, once she's had her turn, they will step in.

It's a ruthless world out there. She will have to instill in this young man loyalty, in the hope he will reward her for turning him into a man.

She herself will have to develop a hard streak, to keep those female rivals off the young man she is busy molding.

Who will win? The answer blows in the Thai winds.

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