Monday 16 February 2009

Mr Interior Decorator

Boyfriend Maiyuu is at home, though his stay will be brief. He has spent the last two days at our new condo in town, cleaning and laying one floor with rubber floor tiles.

The floor-tile design looks like light-coloured timber. The dimensions of the tiles exactly match the ceramic tiles in the main room, where he is laying them.

He lays the rubber tiles on top - they are coated with some adhesive substance on the back, so no glue is needed.

He wants a timber look in that room, as the two bedrooms adjoining the main room are laid with real timber floorboards, so we will get the same look throughout.

Today he is also expecting a visit from the hi-speed internet man, I am told.
At home, there is not much more I can do to help along our move. I have packed my belongings in boxes.

I dare not touch Maiyuu's stuff, or any household items in common use, as I am bound to do something wrong (throwing out items which he wants to keep, for example), so I shall have to await his guidance.

So, the furniture still sits here, as do the packing boxes. Barely anything has moved, or changed.

At the new place, Maiyuu has also fitted a new shower curtain, and bought a new head for the shower, so there is progress over there, though it is slow.

I did not realise when we took this new place that the boyfriend would go into interior decorator mode, by insisting on laying a new floor and making other changes to the fixtures...I thought we'd just move in.

But as he is doing most of the work and making the decisions, I can do little but watch and wait.

I have offered to dismantle the built-up furniture in this place, but he has forbidden it. 'How can we sell it if it is in pieces?' he asks.

Maiyuu wants to sell our furniture to a second-hand dealer. He will inspect it here at home.

Maiyuu will call him in to take a look at the furniture and give us a price, though judging by the slow pace of progress at the new place, that could be days away yet.


  1. Twice you mentioned 'progress is slow'. Have you thought about getting off your butt and go over and help?


  2. What do you think? I have offered, many help is not welcome at the moment.

  3. wow, maiyuu is busy as a bee. certainly better than staying at home being depressed. lets hope the motivation is big enough for the whole floor to be tiled...:)

  4. Maiyuu is a blessing. I move every few years. Always did all the labor myself. Now that I am in my very early later years, I paid for a moving service last time. My god have I've been a fool all these years. It was so nice letting muscular men move all my boxes and bed. One burly gentlemen asked if it was okay could he take off his shirt. Are you kidding me. Isn't that in the contract? It should be!

    Next time I'm not packing away the video camera. I've paid strippers more to do less.

  5. He is working hard, but I fear the worst nonetheless.

    Maiyuu insists on undertaking these huge projects himself, with no help from me or anyone else. Ultimately, they prove too big for him and he just gives up.

    I can see one day not too far ahead when I will have to start throwing things in my own second-hand furniture dealer,and my own moving guys with a truck...and get the job done once and for all.

  6. Ha- i just finished replacing my shower head too.
    My Thai boy wont let me help do any cleaning either- even if its a mountain of dishes that needs to be done. They're stubborn :P
    Good luck on the move- i hope Maiyuu can keep himself going!

  7. Kevo33 - I sympathise! I have just talked to mine, who complained that I never listen to him. Maiyuu said there's nothing I can do to help, as we will just argue, or I will mess things up.

    Our Thai BFs can be stubborn, and independent. Despite so much evidence pointing to the contrary, some farang - including not a few readers of this blog - think foreigners can just sail in and tell their Thai BFs to do whatever they like.

    No doubt they think it's their right, but I still doubt it will work.

  8. amen bkkdreamer. i agree 100%. I have no thai bf but I know what you are talking about...that's why i was a bit concerned when you wrote about the big big project maiyuu is taking on. you dont want to have a half-tiled floor because he suddenly got bored...thai people can be energetic, have a mind of their own and great ideas but sadly lack the endurance to execute them well until the's a shame. (look at suvarnabhumi for example...need i say more?)

  9. My teerak takes care of the household chores which are never my forte. I'm helping him by staying out of his way. :)

    Bkkdreamer is doing likewise. 555

    BTW, may i ask roughly how much does the rubber tiles cost?

  10. BODYholic-
    It always makes me feel so bad for not helping my bf Anuchit (Andrew is his adopted name) clean, but if i do he just says im in his way, just like yours does.
    He also tends to get half way through large/complex projects before giving up (like when we tiled our bathroom) leaving me to figure it out. He comes in and cleans up after its all done :P
    So good luck BKK, i hope you can keep that boy MOTIVATED!

  11. BODYholic: The tiles cost a bit more than B1000 for a pack of 45. Maiyuu says he laid 200-300, and the job on the floor is now done.

    I haven't yet seen the floor myself, but yesterday when I paid a visit it was only half-finished.

    Maiyuu often starts big jobs, only to find he has taken on too much. But if he reckons it's finished over there, then I am pleased to hear it. Today we can focus on packing things in boxes, getting ready for the big move.


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