Wednesday 18 February 2009

Godless town

Boyfriend Maiyuu says he has finished tiling the floor of the new condo. Today, he says, we can start packing our household in boxes, ready for the big move.

When I dropped in on him yesterday, half the floor was done, but he had already started on a new project, lining a window in one bedroom with tiles made of plastic film. They are covered in blue designs, a bit like mosaic tiles.

The purpose is purely decorative. I might have to take pictures of the new place once we have settled in, and post them here, so readers get a better idea of what I mean. I have never seen the things before.

When I turned up, Maiyuu was sitting on the floor in his underwear, cutting out the window tiles. He had lit candles in the bathroom and bedrooms, to improve the ambiance.

He might have to put aesthetic considerations to one side while we move. It will get messy for a day, maybe two. But move we must, as time is running out.

While Maiyuu toiled on the floor, farang C, a work friend who lives next door to our new place, took me out for a beer.

About five minutes' drive from the condo is a gay district. We visited two lousy bars patronised mainly by farang tourists.

As the sun set, I watched several Thai-farang couples pass on the street. The farang were middle-aged, the Thais in their early 20s...nothing unusual there.

One Thai in his early 20s with Thai-Chinese looks walked with his arm around his farang friend's shoulders. The Thai guy was dressed in sports gear...maybe he had just been to the gym.

He did not look self-conscious, or embarrassed. In public, most Thai couples keep their hands to themselves.

Later, we visited a restaurant serving Latin cuisine. The waiter flirted. He asked me where I came from.

I told him the name of the country, and he said he was wearing underwear from the same place.

'Look!' he said, as he pulled up the band of his white underpants to show me the logo, which indeed tells the world where they were made.

'Have you been there?' I asked.

'No, I bought them in Singapore,' he said.

We were the only diners there, so the owner, a young woman in her early 30s, entertained us.

'He wants to get drunk with you guys,' she announced, referring to her waiter, who took me by the hand before we left.

'Please come back tomorrow,' he said.

Another time, perhaps.

I will have to watch myself. I don't want to end up in trouble in my own backyard.

I want to find sleaze-free places close to home.

The bars I can do without...restaurants might be more fun. Or perhaps I should avoid the gay district altogether, and take my custom to straight places instead.

Farang C, who is straight, sent me a text message before bed.

'We live in a godless town,' he said.

'The only god is money,' I replied.


  1. Don't think it is better anywhere else, it just takes different forms.

  2. faranc C seem to be a good friend now..... its always nice to have a friend when you are in another country.

  3. mentioned that you can follow either the thai way in your area or the farang way...i suggest you go back to the thai way:)

  4. I agree with BoB above. You need more reality, not less. Foreign-related businesses and connections here are less real.

  5. I am looking for an all-Thai place where Thais are just Thais, and do not insist on speaking English to the farang customer, or try chatting him up.

    For that, I might have to go to a place where few tourists venture.

  6. 'We live in a godless town,' he said.

    Do me a favor. Let him know this ...

    GOD is located at Silom 2/1 and is available, usually, after 10pm. If he is interested, ask him to bring along 280B and an open-mind.

    PS: People there worship Rihanna, Beyoncé & Britney.


  7. 'We live in a godless town,' he said.

    'The only god is money,' I replied.

    -If that were true, Thais would be the Chinese.

  8. A godless town?
    Now let us strive for a godless planet, so the whole world can be rid of the religion scam.

  9. A few of my windows have something similar on them- Instead of individual tiles though, it's one large film that looks like stained glass. Just press it on and you have an instant staind glass window...of sorts.

  10. I am relieved to read your answer, bkkdreamer...I was a bit afraid you get captured by the sleaze and the artificial realities that is silom. dont let them get to you, it's not healthy.
    might have to venture out to klong toey...?
    hello hello from farangland by the way!!!:)


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