Thursday 7 May 2009

Argument over, kitchen cranks up again, pear charlotte comes out

Relations with the boyfriend have now improved, after a rocky patch which lasted days.

When Maiyuu is unhappy he passes sarcastic comments rather than confront a problem directly, perhaps because he is worried about how I will react.

When he made some smart remark yesterday, I turned down the TV so we could have one of our 'talks'.

I could not bear this ill-feeling carrying on for any longer.

'Living with you is not easy. I get up in the morning and I am not sure what mood you will be in. If you're in a good mood, will it last, or will you explode?' he said.

Maiyuu walked around looking glum and making sarcastic comments because he thought I was in one of my mercurial, unpredictable states.

I went silent and started thinking broody thoughts about going back overseas because I thought he had lost interest in our relationship.

Our bad patch started when he bought an I-Phone on hire purchase. He said he would find the money to pay the debt himself, and asked a woman he knows if he could sell bakery in her shop.

'First, she has to cancel the arrangement with her present supplier. It's just a small shop, but until she has spoken to the person who supplies her with bakery, I can't start work,' he explained yesterday.

I shouldn't have expected that a work opportunity would come along so easily.

If I was the coffee shop owner, I wouldn't enjoy the task of telling a supplier that his services are no longer needed, which is perhaps why Maiyuu has not heard back from the woman.

He doesn't want to call her himself, in case she feels pressured.

Possibly, as he says, nothing will come of it.

'I couldn't understand why you were telling me nothing about this bakery business. I expected to hear how many pieces of baking you would make a day, what you could hope to earn...' I said.

'Foreigners would get excited about such a piece of news.'

For Maiyuu, this farang was getting his hopes up needlessly, and maybe trying to pressure him into getting a job.

A few days ago, I told Maiyuu not to worry if he could not raise the entire B900 a month repayment himself. 'But it would be nice if you could find some work to do.'

I still feel that way, but will stop hassling the poor lad for now.

Foreigners would probably chase a work opportunity, no matter how humble.

But Maiyuu barely knows this woman, and is really at her mercy as to whether this baking venture comes off or not.

Maiyuu is now back to his usual productive self in the kitchen, after a lean few days in which he made little, no doubt partly because we weren't getting along.

Yesterday he made a macaroni pie, a berry fruit loaf, and rice risotto, made to his own recipe, with salmon and caviar on top. Today, he’s working on a pear charlotte.

1 comment:

  1. 5 comments:

    Anonymous6 May 2009 at 18:30
    It's somehow not surprising that you're now thinking of paying for the phone yourself.

    You should tell Maiyuu that it doesn't matter what work he gets, he has to find some.

    You shouldn't be interested in contrived tales of bakeries and suppliers. 7-11 is hiring.

    But, you'll probably just pay for the phone and wonder why money is so tight.


    Kevo336 May 2009 at 19:47
    "Foreigners would probably chase a work opportunity, no matter how humble, but Maiyuu is not a foreigner, but Thai."
    Truer words have never been spoken! My Bf complains constantly about the place he works. I remind him all the time to look for a better job if he is so unhappy where he is. Occasionally he will pick up an application to a new place, but it never gets filled out.
    He's content with the status quo, afraid of change.
    Good luck keeping you boy on task :P glad to hear things are patched up!


    Lino in rainy New York6 May 2009 at 21:31
    Again, why start close to home. You live in a large complex, why not put up a flyer and advertise to your neighbors.


    Bkkdreamer7 May 2009 at 06:47
    Anon: I am not interested in Maiyuu working for a 7-11. I want him to do some kind of work which makes use of his considerable talents in the kitchen.

    Kevo: My Thai guy has never been one for chasing opportunities. Maybe it's just not the Thai way.

    Lino: I'll suggest that idea, thank you. I like it.


    Aaron C. Yeagle8 May 2009 at 14:17
    "stop hassling the poor boy?" Hello? He made his bed (buying the iPhone) and made a commitment to you to pay for it himself ... and now you are letting him off the hook.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.