Saturday 9 May 2009

Lazy cleaner, plucked eyebrow distraction

A cleaner called me over to act as translator.

She was talking to a farang couple who are about to move in to my building.

I don't enjoy this job. Foreigner newcomers inevitably feel awkward, as if they are being treated like children.

They have their dignity, even if they are forced to communicate with amusing hand signals.

I feel awkward, because I don't know them, but this is the first time we get to meet.

'Tell them that if they have any trouble moving in, they can call on my help, or call the office, and they'll send someone down to fix it,' she said.

Yes, yes, dear.

The cleaner, aged in her 40s, and comes from Esan. We have spoken before, usually when farang C, an immediate neighbour of mine who has no Thai, wants to hire one of the condo cleaners to do casual work cleaning his place.

I tell the cleaners what time to arrive.

I don't mind doing that, because I know farang C. The first time I asked the cleaners on his behalf if they would like to clean his place, he was grateful.

'I have waited two years for that...they just don't understand basic English.'

I suspect farang C is just impatient.

I passed on the request to the foreigner couple. The man said nothing, and let his wife do the talking.

Her eyebrows were so sharply plucked, they were distracting. As I talked to her, I found myself looking at her pencil-line eyebrows rather than her mouth.

As soon as we had finished our business, I walked away.

The cleaner gave me a smile. I reckon she could have told them that herself, but wanted to put on a show. Regardless, I don't like it, and would rather not do it.

Next time, dear, get a dictionary.

1 comment:

  1. 1 comment:

    Lino in hair free NYC8 May 2009 at 22:24
    The eyebrow are probably "threaded" -a process involving two strings weaved between finger and used in a scissor motion to pluck hair down to the follicle.

    The procedure is cheap and after repeated treatments the hair no longer grows back.

    -A lot- of my Mexican and Filipino friends have this done. They describe it as somewhat painful, like being scratched by a cat, but no blood is drawn.



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