Wednesday 6 May 2009

Teaching beckons, touching necktie moment

I want to go back to work teaching, to meet Thais, and keep my mind off other, more troubling things.

I enjoy teaching English to Thais, and haven't done it for months.

Today I visited a large noodle place on soi Amorn, the slummy side of my condo.

I have been in there once or twice before, and noticed that it is popular with tertiary students.

When I visited this morning, I was the only customer, but I noticed that two or three tables had been pulled together by previous customers, probably students. They like to grab a noodle before class.

The place, which has potted plants and Buddha spirit houses on the perimeter, and also sells tea, coffee, and fresh fruit juice, is run by a husband and wife couple, who were joined today by their son. While I waited for my noodle, I heard Dad ask his son, aged about 18, about work.

'You can't just sit around here all day doing nothing,' he said.

His son, who wore jeans and a black T-shirt, looked rough, like part of the local element. When young men who work in the street walked past, he called out. A few came in to chat.

Dad's conversation with his son reminded me of the ones I have with Maiyuu. I was delighted to witness it.  He didn’t look too interested in what his father had to say. I know the feeling!

When Dad started reprimanding his son, the young man looked around at me, to see if he should feel embarrassed. No, it was just some farang, who can't understand the language.

It was safe to carry on, so he did. I can't tell you what else was said, as the traffic outside the shop was too noisy.

I will go back tomorrow, and ask Mum and Dad if they would like their son to learn English when he is not working, to keep his mind occupied.

If that fails, I shall ask them if I can leave a notice in the shop advertising my services as a teacher to any tertiary students who might be interested.

A touching scene between two security guards at my condo: A guy in his 50s was doing up a necktie for a new recruit, aged in his early 20s.

The new guy wore a cap, crisp white shirt, and blue trousers...standard uniform for the guards at our place.

The older guy and I have spoken half a dozen times since I moved in. He was showing the new guy the ropes.

The young man stood there obediently as the older one did up his tie.

Then the young one undid his trousers, to tuck in his shirt.

'Go into the guards room to do that,' said the older man, perhaps concerned that this farang's modesty would be offended by the sight of a security guard in a state of half-undress.

I went out to do errands. An hour later, as I walked past the guards station, the young one gave me a big smile, and a salute. Thank you! He's off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. 2 comments:

    neil7 May 2009 at 09:13
    You get paid to do the lessons?


    Bkkdreamer7 May 2009 at 17:11
    I would get paid, yes. I haven't been back to that place yet...too busy with other things!



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