Sunday 10 May 2009

Grey cats, pink gins, gay condo conspiracy

I found a frantic grey cat on the ground floor of my condo building as I left for work.

It was trying to get out, but had become panicky and confused.

The cat would disappear to the back recesses of the ground floor entrance area, and charge forward with all its might, heading for what it thought was the door, which is made of glass.

It hit a full-length plane of glass next to it instead. Bonk!

Unperturbed, and apparently unhurt, it would then trace back to where it started its last run at the entrance, and start again. Bonk!

At this rate, the cat will have used up its nine lives in a flash.

I opened the door, and beckoned. The cat did not understand, and made another charge at the floor-to-ceiling glass pane instead. It looked terrified, but could not get out.

A quick-witted foreigner standing outside witnessed the cat's antics.

He walked inside and positioned himself in front of the pane which the cat kept striking with its body.

I should have done that myself, but didn't think of it.

Eager to avoid the human, the cat spotted the open doorway next to the man, and charged out. Finally he was free.

'I don' t know who owns the cat, but it's gone now,' said the foreigner.

'I was slow. I didn't understand what it was doing,' I confessed. 'I am pleased you figured out what to do.'

'A Thai cat - we had to help,' he said.

We introduced ourselves.

'Which floor do you live on?' he asked.

I told him.

'Do you write that blog...Bangkok of the Mind?' he asked.

'How did you know about that?' I asked, lowering my voice.

I didn't know this man, and we bloggers have to guard our identities.

'A friend and I decided that the person who took the picture of the Silom skyline in the blog header must be on the sixth or seventh floor of this building,' he replied.

I shall call him Pink Gins, after one of his favorite tipples. PG lives in the same condo complex, though in a different building from me.

'I will take the picture down!' I declared.

'It's too late. We all know about it,' said PG, who invited me to pink gins at his place.

Busted! Secret out - and all because of a dumb cat.

1 comment:

  1. 8 comments:

    neil9 May 2009 at 14:02
    Nice you made a friend.

    Is he a sister?

    I guess the boyfriend will freak out now. Someone in the building has read the personal stuff about his quirky persona.


    Anonymous9 May 2009 at 16:30
    Enjoy the Life!!!
    Maybe you deserve more Straight Foreign friends???


    Anonymous9 May 2009 at 16:31
    meant more than Straight Foreign friends...


    Bkkdreamer9 May 2009 at 16:55
    Anon: I do deserve more than straight foreigner friends, especially if they have eyes as sharp as my new friend. He could keep us both out of trouble.

    Neil: I haven't told Maiyuu about my cat adventure.


    Anonymous9 May 2009 at 18:06
    Well, very nice for him that he gets this new job of getting both of you out of trouble, especially since Maiyuu has the job of getting both of you into trouble.

    And your job is?


    Was Once9 May 2009 at 18:11
    "It's a small world after all"


    Bkkdreamer9 May 2009 at 18:16
    Anon: My job? Keeping bitter souls like you amused.


    Anonymous10 May 2009 at 01:48
    that's one hell of a friend. you are lucky to have an intelligent friend. :)



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.