Saturday 23 May 2009

Joys of Thai blogging: Another satisfied customer

An anonymous reader left this treat:

'Just wanted to thank you for the two years of wonderful posts. With the new direction your blog has taken I find it utterly uninteresting.

'What made your writing so compelling was that you wrote about your personal experience in a foreign land and some of us could vicariously experience every day life of a farang.

'Thanks for the wonderful read and good luck to you and Maiyuu.'

I am not sure what new direction the blog has taken, and the reader doesn't bother to explain. The posts about Thai stars? The pictures of Maiyuu's cooking treats?

The absence of tales from a Thai market where I once lived, or that hole of a drinking place I used to visit in Thon Buri?

As I said the other day, readers of this blog are happiest when I am writing about some domestic drama with Maiyuu.

Lately, we have not argued much, so I have plugged the gap with posts about Thai stars, most of which have a gay angle, or which I think are interesting anyway, even if they haven't.

No one blog can do everything, and if it's part of a vibrant blogging community, should not be seen in isolation anyway.

The number of Thai blogs written by Bangkok-resident foreigners has grown in the last six months, which is welcome. Readers can shop around.

We all link to each other anyway, so it is easy to get your daily dose from half a dozen or more blogs with a similar theme.

One day, I might serve up a tale about Maiyuu; on the same day, BB at his blog might talk about his pizza delivery guy, or the technician at his condo, while Kawadjan might bring us a tale from his Filipino friends, or his latest exotic travels in this region.

Those who enjoy news about Thai stars can find it here, or at Lyn's lakorns blog, or Dirtii-laundry blog. As you can see, no two blogs are alike.

If readers enjoy tales of misfit foreigners lashing out at Thais, or foreigners dogging the tails of moneyboys in Silom, then I suggest you go elsewhere.

I have been here nine years, for goodness sake! I am no longer interested.

The idea of living in a foreign country is trying to fit in. As a foreigner spends longer here, hopefully he will get better at it.

In that event, you should expect the number of stories about foreigners ogling over Thai good looks or the gaudy lights of Patpong to diminish.

After a while, it becomes repetitive and just dull. Or, if such stories distinguish themselves, it's usually in the clever or entertaining way they are written, as the subject matter has been covered so many times before.

Bangkok Pundit's blog is the grand-daddy of all Bangkok blogs - probably the most popular and respected blog by a foreigner writing on Thailand.

What's that about? Not Thai girls, the Silom nightlife, lifestyle issues, or any of that flim flam. It's about politics, plain and simple.

Here, you get a mix of what I think you will like, and what takes my interest, which I publish whether or not readers are likely to read it. It is, after all, my blog.

The posts about Thai stars or Thai music might seem esoteric to foreigners overseas, but they interest me. Among the recent additions to this blog are posts about Thai folk singer Thee Chaiyadej.

Not interested? Well, someone might be. Someone should tell these stories, and it might as well be me.


  1. 11 comments:

    neil23 May 2009 at 21:20
    Kawadjan "exotic travels" are a good read. Alto a little cryptic. He mixes his languages up in the stories. He'll be typing along of his adventures with Bubbles and suddenly it a mess of letters. Thought the poor dear had palsy?


    bobsaigon23 May 2009 at 21:33
    Sorry, na, but I have to say that blogs about Thai entertainers are not my cup of tea. It might work if I were much younger and were fluent in Thai. Then I would be familiar with your subjects and their work. I think many of us are constantly trying to interpret and refine our relationships (both romantic and platonic)with Thai people. Hence the preference for blog postings that explore our successes and failures in these areas. Still, I will continue to click on your blog first thing every morning :-)


    Was Once23 May 2009 at 22:06
    I appreciate your stories, and am getting fat just reading about what Maiyuu cooks. If I comment it may be just to get you to respond, as I feel that you are missing enough intellectual banter in your life.
    Something I worry about myself, as I appreciate having to think and re-examine.
    Again, as always, please delete anything that insults your own taste.


    Anonymous23 May 2009 at 22:18
    I have to say I enjoy visiting your Blog, although not every day, but I'm not really interested in your emotional roller-coaster with your boyfriend, preferring your comments about other Westerners you know. Your Blog and Gay Boy Thailand are my two major sources of entertainment (and eye candy). I've also been following a "diary" on the Ajarn site about some poor bastard's attempt to live on his teaching salary of 30K baht a month, which if he didn't smoke and drink so much he may find easier. Maybe you could update us with your thoughts on a reasonable amount and I realise the fact of having a boyfriend will provide its own distortions).


    Anonymous23 May 2009 at 23:49
    Hello! I just want to tell you that I really love your blog. It keeps on getting better everyday. I love your posts about Thai stars (Please do post more news about Pitch.), Thai music (I really love Thai music. Thank you for the link to Bie's MV for the song อยากถูกเรียกว่าแฟน that you have included in your previous post. Because of you I was able to discover that poignant song.), Thai folk singers, your life with Maiyuu, and most especially Maiyuu's cooking, which is very sumptuous and mouth-watering. Keep it up and more power to you. I love the changes in your blog. Some might like it, while others might not. Please do ponder on these words "To exist is to change; to change is to mature; to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." - Richard, Philippines


  2. Bkkdreamer24 May 2009 at 01:34
    Neil: Kawadjan is indeed a cryptic soul, even when you meet him. I like him for that. In fact, I like the whole package.

    Bobsaigon: Those stories about Thai stars tell us plenty about Thais, don't you worry. Take a look at the one about Mum Lakonics getting fleeced by a straight Thai guy.

    It all sounded so familiar as I heard it, though normally it's kathoey fleecing straight guys, not the other way around.

    Was Once: Thank you, dear. I do need to read and get out more. My people and intellectual skills are shrinking.

    Anon: That story about the foreign teacher sounds familiar. I read a long-running tale from that board once. Reposted to the thaivisa forum, it was about a teacher who hated the Thai school he was in and the kids he taught, turned up drunk, lived on junk food...

    Readers puzzled over whether it was real or fictional. In the end the poster admitted it was a work of fiction, but it held readers in thrall for days, as it all seemed so depressingly real...

    Richard D: Thank you for the words of praise, and also for the quote at the end. I am pleased to find someone who likes Thai entertainment news, especially music and film. People interested in Thailand will often find themselves drawn to such things, as they are an expression of what it is to be Thai.


    aussie24 May 2009 at 05:08
    The stories about your relationship,life in Bangkok and the latest creations from the kitchen are all interesting to read. I also enjoy the entertainment news and appreciate Thai music very much. My favourites are Calorie Blah Blah, Carabao and superstar Bird, so it is good to learn about other famous Thai artists on your blog. There will always be critics but it is your blog and we should go with the flow of whatever you decide to write about. I read numerous blogs and appreciate the variety of information they all provide.


    Wilko24 May 2009 at 06:41
    l have followed your blog with interest for at least a year now.
    lt's made me giggle at times and concerned, how's the ear?.
    l think it's a good insight to Thai life and l value your oppinions.
    Thanks for your hard work and l will always be around even if l don't post often. :)


    Bkkdreamer24 May 2009 at 07:09
    Aussie: Thank you for your common-sense views.

    Wilko: Thank you for your feedback. The ear problem is still there, though I know more about it now, after finding peple with similar complaints on the internet.

    The infection is sinus-related, and at present I am trying ear drops and pills to clear it. I should know results in a few days.


  3. mike24 May 2009 at 13:01
    I am a daily reader of your blog and truely enjoy and appreciate it. I have to mention that the Thai celebrity stuff is utterly boring. "Celebrity" is hugely boring in nearly any culture. I believe that most of your readers would be more interested in even the smallest details of your daily existence than the life of some third rate "star".


    Bkkdreamer24 May 2009 at 20:53
    Celebrities are boring in any culture? Not when they give you what you want. If Mario Maurer took his clothes off and I brought you pictures, would you be interested?

    I suspect so.

    The stories about Thai entertainers will continue, because they tell us something about what it means to be Thai.

    Not like? No have to read.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.