Friday 26 June 2009

Thai mind-reader, flat heads and big ears, 50 words on my condo

I swear Thais can read minds. When I left the condo to catch a motorcycle down the road to the doctor's clinic, my motorcycle guy knew where I wanted to go.

'Doctor?' he asked.

'Yes. How did you know?' I replied.

'I have taken you before.'

This was not strictly true: the motorcycle guy drops me close to the place, usually on the other side of the highway.

Then I walk across a couple of overhead bridges to reach the clinic.

On the previous occasion, I might have asked him to take me a little closer, but still...

Last time I might have told him I was seeing a doctor, just for something to say. Yesterday I had uttered not a word.

Yet he knew.

At the moment I get a motorcycle guy virtually daily. They drop me close to work, and I walk the rest of the way. Yesterday, how did he know that I wasn't just getting off for the walk to work, as I normally do?

The medical clinic, down a narrow soi inside a slum area, was busy.

The waiting room contained 10 people. In a small examination room off the doctor's office, I saw a woman stretched out with electrodes attached to her chest.

In the waiting room, I passed a curtained-off area where a middle-aged male patient was also on his back, being inspected by the sole doctor in the premises.

I know he was there, because I heard them muttering, and the patient's toes were poking out the curtains.

I told the two nurses that I had accidentally tossed away my fungal rash pills. Then I took a seat.

Seeing how many patients still had to go in before me, I changed my mind, and approached the desk again.

'Do I really need to see the doctor?' I asked.

No. They asked me which pills I wanted, and spooned them into small plastic bags. The bill was B120. I thanked them, and left.

My post of yesterday complaining about the absent-mindedness of old age appears to have wound up some readers.

Some guys reach their 60s, and still go to the gym regularly. That's great. I run up the ramps of the condo carparking building for exercise. It takes just 15 minutes a day, but is enough, I tell myself, to keep my heart and lungs in good shape.

I don't care about the rest. I go through phases when I look at myself in the mirror and worry about my growing tummy, or the fact that I appear to be growing smaller, fatter, and wider with age.

Thankfully, I appear to be in no-worry phase at the moment. I can't remember the last time I examined myself critically in the mirror. Most of the time, I am trying to escape the heat.

I can't do much about the ageing process, which we all know is unflattering (well, those of us who are not 60 year-old gym-bunnies, that is).

I don't like the flat head, big, hairy-eared look which comes upon many men as they get older, but am pleased to see that it is not confined to foreigners. It happens to Thais, too.

I walk past my middle-aged colleagues at work and think to myself: 'You're a member of the flat-head, big-eared club!'

I walk past younger ones in the office (the youngest foreigners we have are probably in their early 30s), and tell myself: 'And you'll be there soon enough!'

An Asian literary journal has asked me to write about life in Thailand.

They want to know about Thai life from the point of view of a foreigner, or even a Thai, as long as he writes in English.

I asked them to they give me a topic, as I can't write on spec.

'I can write about the inside of my condo,' I suggested.

What else is there to say, if you've been here too long as I have.

I live with Thais, in this fabulous land called Thailand, but spend most of my time thinking about the life I left behind - and this is on good days!

1 comment:

  1. 11 comments:

    ian.eco25 June 2009 at 20:45
    So the Thai can develop flat heads and big ears too. But they don't grow hair out of them.

    But what happens to those cute peachy derriers they are so gifted with. Maybe they need below


    Bkkdreamer26 June 2009 at 00:30
    I have seen some with hairy ears, though not as many as the unfortunate farang.


    oneditorial26 June 2009 at 06:19
    I think it could have been just conjecture based on his previous experience when he took you to the clinic area. Thai people are not good at guessing but they are great at making assumptions.


    Bkkdreamer26 June 2009 at 08:11
    They know what we are thinking. I have come across this many times before. They are Mystery Thais.


    sanookbkk26 June 2009 at 09:14
    Why do you take pills from the doctor without learning the name of them, what they do to/for you, and what the side effects are?


    Wilko26 June 2009 at 12:30
    Maybe you could write about Maiyuu's cooking of Thai food or the markets and how you view them?
    You have a fabulous eye for detail and a good turn of phrase, just imagine you're writing for your blog. l'm sure it will be well received whatever you decide on. :)


    Bkkdreamer26 June 2009 at 17:15
    Sanookbkk: That's a misnomer for you, by the sounds of it. I ask doctors to prescribe drugs without telling me about them, just to annoy querulous readers like you.

    Willko: Thank you for the compliment. I let Maiyuu get on with what he is good at, which is cooking.

    If he spent too much time talking to me about it, I would never get to eat anything.

    I could write about food myself, but I am much better at eating it than I am writing about it.


    Anonymous27 June 2009 at 06:30
    Perhaps you could write about your job and all the happenings at your work place. I think it would be very interesting for us readers of this blog.


    Bkkdreamer27 June 2009 at 07:51
    Thank you for the idea, but I can't write in detail about work, as someone is bound to read it and recognise themselves. I have to keep the blog domestic, so everyone's anonymity is preserved.


    Wilko27 June 2009 at 07:59
    FUDGE....600,000 recipes, a flavour to suit everyone!!!
    Yes, l know....someone will say 'you missed one'. ;)


    Bkkdreamer27 June 2009 at 08:29
    I am sure we would get readers who complain, 'Yes, but you missed one'. This blog seems to attract such people, unfortunately.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.