Thursday 16 July 2009

A cockroach for the neighbour

Even though I am on a diet, I still take my duties as Maiyuu’s test taster seriously. For if it were not for me, where else would he turn – the condo cleaner? The poor kids who live in the slum area across the way? He has to know whether his creations have worked.

The rest of the diet is going well. Maiyuu went out last night, so ordered a pizza for me. I ate most of that too, but I sure it won’t make much difference.

Earlier, he made pasta with pesto sauce. It’s green, so it must have been good for me.

I am now jogging up the ramps of my condo building twice a day, up from one previously. I am also trying to go without my afternoon sleep, though it is hard. At work last night, I felt sleepy, lethargic, and generally non-alert. In the Land of Sleep - oops, Smiles - Will anyone notice?

A couple of bitchy gay readers left nasty remarks recently about how this blog has descended into a cooking farce...a mere food blog, where before I used to post exciting things like guy pics, for example.

‘Maiyuu’s cooking is just poor knock-offs of that lousy stuff which Martha makes,’ they said.

You snobs! When you can whip up something this delicious after watching a TV show, let me know. When you are spending even half an hour a day in your kitchen creating, please do likewise.

Thank you for the responses to my diet plan, discussed in yesterday’s post. I deleted several bitchy responses. One said I would have to take ‘drastic’ measures, as I was way too fat.

Another suggested I toss out everything from the fridge. Oh, disappear, food Nazis.

Anon the Shrink also waded in. Normally I would post the Shrink for his entertainment value, but this particular post failed to make the grade...he can’t have been feeling his normal bitchy, resentful, envious self. I deleted him.

I would like to meet Anon the Shrink, to give him a piece of my mind. We can match wits. We can even compare waist sizes. How about it?

Small caveat: We would have to meet in the centre of town, as I don’t like leaving my comfort zone. I propose that we allow ourselves to bring along one friend each, for moral support.

I found a large cockroach in the bathroom. I grabbed a dustpan and broom, and tried to scoop it up. I couldn’t hold it. Next, I tried to crush the thing with the dustpan; that didn’t work either. It ran for cover under the couch.

I pondered what to do next. Boyfriend Maiyuu was away, so I couldn’t cry like a girl for help. I looked up. The bugger was scuttling across the floor, on the other side of the condo. How do they move so fast?

I found a plastic bag. By the time I looked up, it had moved on again. I was determined not to touch it. I am a clean person, but cockroaches are not. Even if I grabbed the thing with the plastic bag, in my hand, I could probably still feel the thing squirming – no thanks.

I grabbed the dustpan and broom again. By this time, it was running across the floor towards the front door. Oh, happy day. I opened the door, and gave the thing a big swoosh with my broom – straight at a primary school student sitting on the door step opposite.

I didn’t see her– honest.

My neighbour was putting on her shoes for school, but didn’t seem to notice that I was sweeping a cockroach her way. She looked scared and apprehensive, but no more than the average Thai when she sees a foreigner.

That’ll learn you, dear – get close to a farang, and there’s bound to be trouble.

1 comment:

  1. 9 comments:

    Christian15 July 2009 at 20:39
    OMG regardless of what people say about what is served to you.. I would love to have such wonderful dishes for dinner!

    BTW the Hottie in the bowtie is SO BEAUTIFUL!!



    Micky16 July 2009 at 00:03
    Pete and I are on a 'diet' permanently, since giving up smoking last year and promptly trying to eat everything in sight!

    We eat pizza or fish & chips or a home-made pie every alternate week so's we don't forget what they taste like! (really it's coz we love 'em!)

    Otherwise we try to eat a bit of carbo, some protein and 30% vegetables or salad for our lunch and dinner. As little as poss.

    Then we drink too much and spoil it all! It's coz we don't smoke now.

    Maybe we were built to have a vice?


    Ray16 July 2009 at 06:51
    I for one would love to dine with you on the immensely delicious looking Chef Maiyuu’s dishes. I appreciate the domestic posts as well as the posts on other aspects of your Thai experiences. It amuses me that you get so hot under the collar about Anonymous (who could be more than one person). If they bother you so much why not disallow anonymous posters?

    Anyway - I enjoy your posts and please keep up the good work. I love seeing Chef Maiyuu’s creations plus some of the gorgeous men. If you have a digital camera I'd also love to see some of the streetscape and/or other interesting or even boring sights you come across in your daily travels.


    Bkkdreamer16 July 2009 at 07:35
    Ray: Thank you. I do have a small digital camera, but I am not much good at using it outside...I need a proper camera including a decent lens.

    I have looked at disallowing anonymous posts before. It is not as simple as it looks, unfortunately.


    Xian Darkthorne16 July 2009 at 09:50
    You are extremely lucky to have found someone who loves cooking for you and I can't help but envy you that...maybe that's why some people don't like you posting about the food you get? Maybe what your chef needs to do is make smaller portions so that you can still indulge and stay healthy. Whatever the case, I enjoy reading about Chef M's efforts so please don't stop.


    Wilko16 July 2009 at 10:27
    The Cockroach scenario had me in stitches. I have visions of you running round the appartment with your broom and screaming.
    You must of lost a few pounds so thats good isn't it?

    I had a funny thing happen at work today too.
    A little girl asked me why her snail wasn't coming out of it's shell. I looked and said 'there isn't a snail in there sweetheart'. Oh she said, perhaps it's gone for a walk!!!!

    So if there is a snail in your appartment in the morning could you e-mail it back to Oxford please!


    Kevo3317 July 2009 at 13:56
    Anuchit and I are also now officially on a diet. This is very hard though because he just started a new job at a FANTASTIC seafood restaurant, and is able to take delicious food home after his shift. I need to lose about 20 lbs, he needs to lose about 10 :P


    c18 July 2009 at 00:27
    Oh!! You should never squash a cockroach because that will splatter the eggs and cause more infestation! EWWW!! I know this because we had to get our store sprayed and that was what the exterminator told me. So just spray that little sucker and throw it out.

    Also those brats that are complaining on YOUR blog are just jealous that they don't have someone to cook for them too.


    Bkkdreamer19 July 2009 at 05:51
    Kevo: Good luck with the diet. I would be inclined to put it off for as long as I was getting free restaurant-grade seafood to eat every night.

    Wilko: In pursuit of losing weight, I would rather take a conventional workout than have to chase cockroaches. That is the first one I have found in our place, and hopefully the last.

    C: Thank you. I agree, the critics are probably jealous. An Australian friend who supplies guy pictures for this blog, loyal reader Ian, advises: 'Those who can, blog. Those who can't, complain.'



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.