Wednesday 15 July 2009

Time to start dieting

I am now on a diet.

I visited my neighbour farang C the other night, where the most important item of business was weighing myself. I don’t have a set of scales at my place, as I worry that once I have them I won’t be able to leave them alone.

According to farang C’s scales, I weigh 95kg. I am 182cm, or about six foot for those of you who grew up pre-metric.

Yet I recall weighing in at 98kg the last time I went to the doctor – and I don’t believe I have grown any thinner since.

I suspect farang C’s scales are unreliable. They are trying to lull me into a false sense of security, which won’t do it all if I want to maintain my ‘fit and firm’ (to borrow the Thai, which in turn borrows from the English) appearance.

If I ever hit the 100kg mark, let me declare in advance that I shall feel so much in need of self-inflicted punishment that I will happily give the keys of this blog to Anon the Shrink (my psycho critic, who is sharing the love - he’s now dropping poison at BB’s blog).

Hopefully that unhappy day will not come to pass. Chef Maiyuu is doing his best to help.

See those strawberry cream desserts in the nip glass (pic no longer available - it disappeared)? They are tiny portions, which normally would suit not a big guy like me. But they have to do, as I am trying to lose weight.

He served the first strawberry dessert plain, then a second one with red whirls, or streaks. But that was my lot for the day: he didn’t offer me any other sweet goodies from his busy kitchen.

I examined myself in the mirror last night. Why is my stomach sinking? Is it merely the effect of gravity, or am I indeed getting bigger?

‘You have put on weight in the last week,’ Maiyuu announced last night, when I pressed him for an answer.

Drastic measures are needed – out goes the beer from my regular food intake. I have been taking a bottle every couple of days. I have also been pigging out on icecream – grabbing the carton from the fridge whenever I feel like it, sitting down in front of the TV, and having a sweet feed.

Okay, ice-cream is out too. Plus any sugar-heavy desserts from Maiyuu’s kitchen, such as fudge.

1 comment:

  1. 10 comments:

    Was Once14 July 2009 at 21:39
    I just figure it costs me about an hour of exercise to burn off a light beer. So, just imagine running those stairs everyday for an hour, sheesh.

    How about giving your extras to poor kids? You and Maiyuu going out for walk to find some...pretty easy. You can lighten up somone's life temporarily.


    Anonymous14 July 2009 at 21:39
    95kg! you're fat!


    Bkkdreamer14 July 2009 at 22:42
    Anon: Compared to the average gargantuan American, I'm not.

    I am big-boned. But yes, you're right - I am also fat.


    Wilko14 July 2009 at 23:46
    l'm not fat, l'm big boned!!!!!......Lady Penelope meets Cartman. ;)

    Diets......oh no, l feel a nervous breakdown coming on!

    Get a Wii and Wii fit, you'll be fine.


    aaronng8814 July 2009 at 23:49
    kekeke =) my address? geee~ kekeke i'll email it to u yar~ *rolls on floor*

    so sweet of u~ (probly due to maiyuu's constant pumping of sugar into you)


    Lino in fashionably slim NYC15 July 2009 at 01:26
    "Compared to the average gargantuan American, I'm not"

    Beg pardon? I'am In New York (America) and don't know -anyone- that weighs 200+ Lbs.

    If I allowed my Mexican friends their way, I'd be an obese alcoholic. No F'ing way.

    Most Manhattan-ites are slim (except black ones).

    Last summer I brought back some pics from BKK of my friends and showed them to my Brother. In one shot we are at a Friday's and in another a McDonald's. He pointed out that within ten years all those slender Thais will be gone.

    I kind of doubt it though, Thai people value appearance.



    Xian Darkthorne15 July 2009 at 09:03
    You don't have to give up all sweets completely. Use low fat yoghurt as a substitute for any kind of cream and add a bit of honey as a natural sweetener instead of sugar or syrup. Don't cut down the carbo as you need the energy to keep your metabolism going to burn fat - cut down the oil instead. And substitute a lot of fruits and vegetables for other stuff as they are high fibre (makes you feel full faster) and have almost no fat. I hope this helps. I've been there. I used to weigh 100 kg - only, being well rbought up, I never used the F word. I always said that I was a little larger than average.


    Glenn15 July 2009 at 15:39
    That watermelon looks very sweet. I agree substituting fruits for the cakes and pies might be a good idea. Still feeds your sweet tooth but gets you some fiber and little fat.

    Chef Maiyuu's Thai food looks pretty good and shouldn't be putting weight on you as long as the portion sizes aren't enormous.

    I also agree that all those American fast food restaurants are bad news for people everywhere, including Thais who are not used to such a diet. All that fat and potatoes are not easy to metabolize. You already see many chubby Thais, especially in BKK and especially young people.


    Bkkdreamer16 July 2009 at 06:49
    Xian: Thank you for the dieting advice, particularly the part about the need to keep my carb intake up. Good news!


    Xian Darkthorne16 July 2009 at 09:57
    You're welcome. If you've been keeping up to date on the latest diet and exercise stuff, you'll find that the modern view is that you have to eat enough to have energy to burn fat and maintain the higher metabolism from regular exercise. I dont know why people always assume that carbs are bad. No one food or food group is bad - eating too much of it is what causes the problem.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.