Saturday 6 February 2010

Argument aftermath

Maiyuu is rifling through our CD collection, looking for a stray CD by Grammy singer Marsha Vadhanapanich. He must have her entire collection, but this particular disc was his favourite. We still have the cover, but not the disc inside.

I suspect it fell victim to our most recent argument. When we argue, I go into clean-up mode, as vigorous physical activity, even with a duster, helps me release stress.

After our argument a few weeks ago, I set to work making order of our disorderly CD collection. CDs without a home lie scattered about; no one ever thinks to be put them back in their covers. Maiyuu was in his bedroom sulking at the time.

I must admit, I took advantage of the opportunity to throw out about a dozen discs for which I could find no home – mainly no-name CDs on which we had recorded this or that, but which we hardly ever play. Out they went, into the rubbish. I fear Marsha’s CD may have gone with them, though I can’t recall it.

I would not have done it deliberately, as I like Marsha, and even after the heat of our argument – when I told Maiyuu forcefully that he would have to leave – I still knew, inside my heart, that we would probably stay together, because we always do.

So it must have been an accident.

‘Why don’t you buy another?’ I asked.

‘You can’t find it in stores now...and it was my favourite, too,’ he said glumly.

Sorry, lad.

Maiyuu wants me to admit that I threw it out, so he can stop looking for the wretched thing.

But I honestly can’t recall whether I tossed it out or not. He suspects I threw it out just to spite him, but really I am not so clever as to know which Marsha albums are his favourites, and which aren’t.

Marsha wasn’t the only material loss we suffered as a result of that row.  I destroyed a B1,000 mirror as well.

1 comment:

  1. 7 comments:

    Joyce Lau6 February 2010 at 04:59
    Hi BKK Dreamer, Sorry I've been so absent!

    I've not said anything about your rather tumultuous personal life, both at home and at the drink stand. It's hard seeing relations from the outside, and I don't want to come off as judgmental. I seems like, in both places, you mean well at heart.

    All I can say is that it's hard baring all in writing -- so I appreciate your warts-and-all descriptions.

    The relationship stuff seems very draining to you. I hope you boys work it out. :)

    P.P.S. I've stopped reading your blog at work. I'm not supposed to read anything personal at work, and your half-naked boy pictures are a sure-fire give-away!


    Anonymous6 February 2010 at 12:56
    wow this is kind of a cute (sorry i'm a little weird over things like this) make sure to put the cds on their cases so it would be safe, i so tried to buy an album, but i don't have any money to do so argh! damn student life, and right, why don't you two have a make up sex, besides you two are a couple, and congrats, because you seem okay with maiyuu again, i'm so happy for the two of you!!! ^_^



    Bkkdreamer6 February 2010 at 18:16
    Joyce: I have never been in a relationship which is not hard work, but thank you. I mean well with Maiyuu, as I did with Ball.

    When I heard from carer R that Ball was habitually a teen rebel or miscreant I lost interest.

    As for Maiyuu, we grow on each other over time. We draw closer with every year we spend together, though it's probably hard to detect from this blog.

    Hansey21: No make-up sex, though this morning I did kiss his legs. We are too wary of each other for anything else, and really it is not necessary (despite some what some readers of this blog say). We make a joke of the fact that we rarely show any romantic interest in each other. Now, that sounds really old!



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