Tuesday 18 December 2007

Watch out - Mum's coming (5)

Immediately, Mum chipped in, from the raised area where she sits, serving and counting her cash.

'Is there another game?' she asked.

An Indian man - one of the two diehard fans still left - answered. 'Spain was playing just now...'

'Why do you need another game, we've been watching it all night!' I exclaimed. That was aimed at Mum, as I couldn't care less what the Indian wanted.

Mum said if there was another game on, then we should leave the TV on that channel. 'There are still people watching.'

'In that case, I may as well not come back, you're driving everyone away,' I said.

Too blunt? Yes, but I was fed up with football, a national obsession, which Mum doesn't much like anyway. If she watches it, it's because she's staked a wager on it.

'If you talk like that, then don't come back,' she said angrily. She had descended from the raised part of the shop to tackle me directly. The other customers stopped talking to watch.

Law student Gap was drinking with a police friend opposite. He looked worried.

'All the other customers like football. You're the only one who doesn't,' said Mum.

'Suit yourself...change it back then,' I said, and turned away.

Half an hour alter, I paid my bill brusquely - listing off the items for which I needed to pay - then left.

If I was a typical Thai man, I'd be sulking by now. Needless to say, I would never go back, as no Thai man would tolerate a woman injuring his pride in such a public fashion.

If I was a Thai gay man, even more so: I'd waggle my butt petulantly, storm off, and that would be the end of it.

However, I am bigger than that. Tonight, I will go back as if nothing had happened. I still have friends out there - even the football-obsessed ones.

Weeks ago, I stopped going to the shop regularly, because the football had driven away all the quality customers. From nightly visits, I started going just two nights a week. Mum misses the company, and feels rejected.

I won't be shoo-ed away, especially if the real motivation for her hurtful remarks lies elsewhere. In any case, leaving in a fit of pique looks childish.

We'll just have to find some other way to climb down from the high-and-mighty positions we took.

I am sure there's a Thai way we can do it where we both get to save face. Now, if only I can think of one...

now, see part 6

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