Monday 4 May 2009

Carefree Thai boyfriends, passing the living-together test

Fellow blogger BB reckons Bangkok 'must be one of the worst places in the world to find a boyfriend'.

They are unreliable, childish, speak a different language, and are hopeless in bed, he says. But it's not just him alone - see the comments left in response to his main post here.

A follow-up is here.

I can't speak from experience, as I have had only one Thai boyfriend.

At times, he has been all of the above. It depends on when you ask me.

Readers of this blog have remarked more than once about how my moods swing drastically from one day to the next: one moment, the boyfriend is in my good books. The next, he's a loser, and I can't wait to go back overseas.

Fine, I say: You try living with one!

Occasionally I feel sorry for Maiyuu. I wonder if he has anyone who really understands him, other than this most unreliable of candidates - me. His own friends rarely ask him what he is doing with his life.

Likewise, he rarely asks them about any of the things which as farang we regard as important: Do you have a job? How's it going? How's the boyfriend, family? Are you happy?

They talk about other things...I can't remember quite what, as I do not mix with Maiyuu and his friends.

He has gone out for three of the last four nights. They must find something to talk about, even if it's none of the important stuff.

Miayuu's purchase of an I-Phone over my objections will have far-reaching repercussions for our relationship, because Maiyuu will have to work to meet the hire purchase payments every month.

Earlier, he proposed finding the money from my earnings, by cutting down on the amount he spends cooking and baking.

Later, after I objected, he agreed that I should not have to pay for the purchase. He will find the money himself, he says.

That means no more idle days spent at home watching TV, or, as the mood takes him, baking up delights he has seen on Martha Stewart's show.

He might well enjoy being a nester - making our condo cosy for when I come home at night - but that only works as long as we do not feel the financial pinch.

Since he has bought his blasted I-Phone, Maiyuu has in any case reverted to being a kid.

He rarely ventures into the kitchen any more, still less does anything with me outdoors, such as walking to the supermarket, or visiting the condo pool. He devotes every moment to exploring the inner recesses of his I-Phone - downloading this, poking away at that.

Fascinating - except Maiyuu is now an adult, aged 30 (or is it 31).

Hopefully, the novelty will fade before too long, because he's capable of so much better.

Judging by comments left in response to BB's blog posts, foreigners look for Thai boyfriends who are playful, childish and cute.

Oh, please. Is it because Thai guys look cute, that we assume they should act cute as well? Stand up all those foreigners who have lived with Thais, and still think their main duty in life is to be 'cute'.

I doubt many foreigners would tolerate a Thai partner who - abandoning himself to the childish behaviour which his foreigner boyfriend supposedly encourages - spends recklessly, won't work and is not prepared to pay his way.

If we have to live with these people every day, our 'specs' would soon change. We would demand our Thai mate starts thinking and acting like an adult, because a partnership demands nothing less.

No one person should have to do everything in a relationship. We have to help each other get through the day. If that sounds unromantic to you, that's because it is - life is a chore, and there's no getting around it.


  1. 10 comments:

    Anonymous3 May 2009 at 22:03
    .. I think the Iphone will become a financial burden.. it might be lost or stolen.. or break.. and Maiyuu would still be responsible for paying for it for two years. At which point this unfortunate purchase might cause enough stress between you two.. that you split. It was foolish and selfish of Maiyuu to get a phone he can't afford.. but now you're both trapped in situation that has the potential to generate endless friction and arguments. I think you're fucked.


    Fabulastic4 May 2009 at 11:21
    Hi. I found your blog doing a research on gay Buddhist monks. You have done a great work here.

    Congratulations from Portugal!


    Anonymous4 May 2009 at 14:04
    If they are cute, fun & have a nice @rse, then I can forgive a lot.


    Anonymous4 May 2009 at 18:45
    All of this 'Thai guys are this way, Thai guys are that way' kind of complaint is usually a front foreigners put up to avoid responsibility for the type of guys they choose to be with. There is a certain Thainess to Thai guys- of course- but there is a wide range of levels of age, maturity, employment, responsibility, affection, skill in lovemaking, etc.

    If you find there is a pattern to your choices, the place to look for the pattern is in yourself, not 'Thai culture.'


    Bkkdreamer4 May 2009 at 23:40
    As I said before, I don't have enough experience to judge.

    I imagine the impression which people have of Thailand and the people who live here is the experience they take away with them most recently...for it can only be a learning thing which carries on for as long as you want it to.


    Bkkdreamer4 May 2009 at 23:41
    Fabulastic: Thank you. I took a quick look at your blog. Is there any reason why blogger has put up that indecency warning? I wasn't there long enough to find anything really indecent...maybe I didn't look hard enough!


    Kevo335 May 2009 at 20:11
    Wow you hit the nail on the head with this post-
    I often feel the same with my bf, one day things will be peachy, next day I'm about ready to give up on him.
    In his mind, everything is A-ok, but he doesn't realize how complex life really is.
    Cute Thai boys are nice, yes. However, they still need to be taught how to be good mates!


    Bkkdreamer5 May 2009 at 23:02
    Maiyuu and I had one of our little talks today. I make his life stressful, he said, as my moods can change from one moment to the next.

    He's right - lately I have been unsure if either his or my own heart is in it any longer.

    We both agreed to give each other another chance.


  2. Orn6 May 2009 at 05:45
    haha from my experience as a Thai person myself I'd like to say. No, not all Thai guys are cute, immature, lazy etc etc...there are some overly mature & intelligent Thai guys too..however they are unfortunately 'not cute'

    The cuter ones are generally the more immature ones...

    I know a Thai gay guy living in sydney (moved to sydney 5 years go). He is smart, highly educated, organized, responsible, very mature and also rich...but he's definitely not good looking lol

    His white boyfriend however is drop dead gorgeous..but not so smart...

    Not saying this to defend Thais' just because I'm Thai but just trying to prove that perhaps the reason behind these 'not so great personalities' some people are finding in Thai men could be because they are only choosing to read books with an attractive cover rather than the inside content of the book itself


    Bkkdreamer6 May 2009 at 08:51
    Orn: I am sure you are right.

    Newcomers here tend to end up with pretty boys they meet in go-go bars and the like, or go actively in search of pretty ones, because that's all they want at first.

    As holiday-makers or newcomers, they are not so interested in a more permanent relationship with someone who, as you say, might have more good things hidden between the covers than on the cover itself.



Comments are welcome, in English or Thai (I can't read anything else). Anonymous posting is discouraged, unless you'd like to give yourself a name at the bottom of your post, so we can tell who you are.