Monday 17 August 2009

Thai riddle in a box

Our savings box now has a lock.

I found the box with lock attached when I woke this morning.

The last time I saw the box, which sits on a top shelf in my bedroom, it was just a plain box with flip-top lid.

This morning I noticed the glint of metal coming off the thing.

I took a closer look. While I was at work last night, Maiyuu went out and bought a small attachable lock.

He screwed it on to the box, and padlocked it shut. This is to ensure the B2,000 we have saved stays there, even when our other money is running out.

I get paid twice a month. Close to pay day last week, as money was getting scarce, I happened to look in the savings box, and noticed Maiyuu had removed the B2,000, for ‘safekeeping’ in his room.

This was the second time he had done this - the most recent time was just before my previous pay day.

He was hiding the savings from me, just in case I was tempted to dip into the box to use that money to tide us over. If the money goes on general expenses, it might be hard to replace.

Actually, I didn’t need it; in the end, we had enough.

On pay day, after money had come out, I insisted he return the money to the box. He obliged. Two days later, however, I see he has now found a more permanent solution.

He won’t need to hide the money from me any longer, whenever pay day approaches, as the box is locked, and he has hidden the key.

I shake the box, in the hope of hearing the sound of money (two B1,000 notes) rattling about inside.

I can't hear anything; I'm not sure it's there.

Maybe it's all a giant con; he removed the money before locking the box, but led me to believe the cash is still inside.

Maybe he has decided to hold on to the money himself anyway. He's just hoping I won’t notice that I'm custodian of an empty box.

1 comment:

  1. Doug17 August 2009 at 11:03
    That box looks really secure. I bet you could never get those three little screws out.


    Anonymous19 August 2009 at 12:33
    Yes, it makes perfect sense that he would make it harder for you to get to your own money (not that you haven't done quite enough in that regard yourself). Would suggest a glass box next time, with two locks (each of you has one key). Do you dare to stand up for yourself that much?



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