Friday, 10 August 2007

Instant Dad

In one careless moment I became a Dad - of two children no less, not just one. Not only that, one of them was white skinned and attractive - and the other dark-skinned, and not.

Yesterday the boyfriend sent me down into the market to buy fresh vegetables and mince meat. He was in a mood for cooking, and as I like to be fed, I did not object.

Maiyuu scribbled down a list of the ingredients, and off I went. He did not brief me beforehand on what he wanted, and as I could not read his scrawl, I had to ask women in the market to tell me what was on the list, and where I could find the ingredients.

I have done this before. When I go to get our lunch, Maiyuu gives me another scribbled note. I usually take that one to a seafood shop on the platform of the railway station which cuts through the market. The list usually contains two or three items, in Thai.

The young women there are used to me and my notes. One girl thinks it's a great scream. I suspect she would be shocked if I opened my mouth to speak.

I hand over my note, and the woman who runs the place calls out the items loud enough for the cooks to hear. They make my order, and bring it to me in bags.

For the fresh ingredients, I have to go to a different part of the market, where half a dozen women run stalls selling vegetables, meat, fish, and grocery items. The market is more than 100 years old, and was lively in its day. Today it is quieter - but at least it's there. It saves a trip to the shopping mall.

I handed over my note to a woman who looked like she might sell what I wanted. She accepted it without comment, and, for my benefit, read out the items, one by one.

'For the cooking oil, you go over there,' she said.

On one counter top, a dog was asleep. Nearby, a haggle of old men were comparing their talismans.

'Baby corn, try at the next stall down ...mince meat, try down the end...and as for the carrot, I can help you with that,' she said, selecting a large carrot.

She put it in a plastic bag.

This was too much for me to take in, so I had to ask at another couple of stalls. Each of the women patiently read out my list, and asked me which ingredients I had bought so far, and which ones I still needed.

When I finally reached the last stall, my hands were full. I asked for the last item. As the woman served me, she said she had met my partner. For one moment I assumed she meant Maiyuu, my boyfriend - but no.

'I have met your're the one with the two little children, aren't you,' she said.

Without thinking, I agreed.

'Yes,' I smiled.

As I moved away, I realised what I had told her. Oh, so I am now a Dad!

I wasn't listening properly, and was too intent on being polite. The 'Yes' came out automatically, but I wish it hadn't.

However, I did get the next bit.

'One is light-skinned and pretty, and the other dark and ugly,' she said bluntly, referring to the children.

Even if I was the father, what am I supposed to say to that?

Yes again!

Back at home, I told Maiyuu about the embarrassing conversation in the market.

'You are now the mother of two children, one ugly, one not,' I announced.

When he moves around the market, people will view Maiyuu in a new light.

Still, this little exchange presents me with problems.

What do I do about the ugly one? And what do I say if I meet that woman in the market again?

I know.

'They've both grown up and left home.'

My, that was fast. But maybe that's what fresh market carrots will do for you.

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